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A break down of the bull case for Ethereum and how it relates to Bitcoin

There is a general understanding among ETH investors that the enhancements from ETH 2.0, EIP-1559 and L2 solutions will result in a sustainable monetary policy with near 0% issuance and the potential for Ether to become a deflationary asset. What is even more interesting is that the net return of ETH as a SoV becomes superior to BTC the moment that issuance is lower than the staking yield. In other words, even if BTC had already ceased issuance, it offers no mechanism to provide yield to long term holders with a negligible risk exposure as ETH does. There is an execution risk that Ethereum will not deliver on what is currently planned, but if it does then what I have explained will become a reality.
You cannot separate BTC/ETH's payment rails from their respective monetary policies. As you are probably aware, issuance is just a subsidy, and without it the network will need to operate as a profitable business with a cash-flow that is entirely dependent on network fees. We are observing a situation that is causing a degradation of the utility of the Bitcoin network. What I mean by that is that the incentive for users to transact directly on the network is being diminished because of the tokenization into ETH and by the introduction of custodians (like Paypal) and traditional banking services who will soon be entering this space. If these trends continue, I suspect that the only activity that will end-up happening on-chain will be done by whales sporadically transacting to hodle and the occasional settlement from institutions. Bitcoin seems fast and frictionless, but that is because you are comparing it to something in the physical world. In digital terms Bitcoin emulates the friction of operation that is found with gold: it is difficult and expensive to move it, securing it yourself is not trivial, and it does not make for a great medium of exchange. I don't think this will be a good dynamic to generate enough transaction fees. That is of course my subjective interpretation of it, but regarding this particular situation it is nearly impossible to make objective assertions at this point. It is possible to assert that, in the digital world, the expectation of frictionless money would entail near instant transactions with negligible cost and without the relative risk/paranoia of dealing with nuclear waste and having a hacker watching your every move waiting for you to make a mistake to snatch it away. Digital money would also need to interact with other digital assets, preferably defined and operated within the same ecosystem. Ethereum is steaming ahead on all ends.
Ethereum is fostering a digital economy (this is a very important part of understanding the value of Ethereum, but I will not be exploring it in this post) with DeFi at its center. It is currently generating about three times as much trx fee revenue as Bitcoin. L2 solutions are going live as we speak, and it appears that they will be much more practical and provide better UX when compared to the Lightning Network. This will help to amplify L1 block space value and push revenue even higher. That will be followed by EIP-1559, which will burn transaction fees. Mining is currently excessively profitable and the hash rate cannot keep up. This means the financial incentive can be reduced and by burning trx fees we achieve the equivalent of an issuance reduction, while stabilizing mining revenue. Eventually the transition to PoS will dramatically cut the operational cost of the network. That means that Ethereum as a business will become more profitable and less reliant on the issuance subsidy. Finally, we will see the introduction of sharding which will scale L1 by up to 1,000 times, compounding the effect of L2 solutions and making it feasible for the network to operate as a platform for new use cases. A solution to the hackenuclear waste security situation is being explored via social recovery wallets. It is still in the early stages of research and design, but it is important to realize that the Ethereum community recognizes it as a problem and is working on a solution.
There is a lot more that can be said about the BTC vs ETH debate and I am working on a full write up that explores each individual element in more detail. Regardless, it is important to pay attention to this trend: the smartest people in this space are shifting their point of view and realizing Ethereum's potential. Raoul Pal is a seasoned investor, extremely bright and open minded. He started with Bitcoin, but it did not take him long to understand the value proposition of Ethereum. Lyn Alden is a brilliant investor and mental powerhouse who initially did not think investing in Ethereum could be justified, but she is also starting to shift her view and now understands that it has a justifiable risk/reward ratio to be included in a portfolio (although she is not personally invested in Ethereum). She has plenty of negative things to say about it, however it appears that she recognizes this is not a black and white situation. I have a feeling she will be revising her analysis on Ethereum again in the future with a more optimist view, but maybe that is just wishful thinking.
The crypto space has a few analogies that have been used to describe technical/economic mechanisms that are somewhat tricky to understand: mining, Ethereum's gas, and the analogy between ether and oil. Crypto "mining" is not like real world mining. It's purpose is not to extract resources, but it is rather a decentralized mechanism to process transactions. Newly minted BTC tokens are not "mined", they are minted by the protocol and awarded to operators. Furthermore, it is impossible to change the total mining output of the network... adding/removing miners does not affect the mining output. If you are new to crypto, you can read a more detailed explanation of mining here. ETH's "gas" is not like fuel (it cannot even be stored). It is just a computational metric that is more akin to the distance a car must travel, but not what actually makes it move. The fuel is electricity and it must be paid for with ether. When you transact you are also paying for the "car" which is the use of all active mining hardware/validators for a fraction of a second. And ether is just money.
If you put too much weight on these simplified analogies, you will not understand the economic actuality behind them. This is a source confusion in the crypto space, and it is used to support false narratives. From an economic perspective, ether is money. Once you understand this, you will know that the narrative that BTC and ETH are not competing because they are different things is analogous to saying fax machines do not compete with the internet.
The beautiful thing about ether is that it is actually not "just money". It is a mixture of a scarce monetized commodity, money, bond and tech stock.

EDIT 1: Adding an analogy to explain why ether is money:
Let’s say I have a car with a 14-gallon fuel tank and I want to take it on a road trip. The car is not aware of the price of gasoline, and it would not travel any farther if the price of gas would double the next day. That’s because the intrinsic utility of oil has nothing to do with its monetary value. The car needs gas because of its particular physical properties and how the ICE is designed to utilize it. If I want to drive from point A to point B and it takes a full tank to get there, it will take that full tank no matter what happens to the monetary properties of gas/oil. This is fundamentally different from how Ethereum uses ether.
Ethereum (the network) is not trying to be money, but it utilizes ether exclusively for its monetary properties and not because it can be magically burned by an imaginary engine of sorts. It costs money to participate in the network as a miner, and their engagement is financially incentivized with ether. Block space is a scarce resource, therefore participants who wish to transact use ether to bid for it. These interactions are utilizing ether as a monetary medium of exchange. In the long run, as the price of ether goes up, the ether denomination of gas prices goes down. That happens because no one is using ether as gas/oil, and it is actually being used as money. In the short run you may see the opposite occurring because of the dynamic between the portion of block space demand that is inelastic and the demand for ether.
EDIT 2: Revisiting key concepts to explain how they will become price catalysts.
  1. Wide adoption of L2 solutions: these will amplify the base layer block space value while encouraging further network adoption by a significant reduction of fees. A successful integration with DeFi protocols will dismiss the "Ethereum killers" theory and consolidate market confidence.
  2. EIP-1559: reduce excessive financial incentives to miners by burning transaction fees. This will also discourage miners from attempting to artificially raise fees via spam.
  3. Sharding: scale L1 bandwidth, compounding the effect of L2 solutions, further consolidating Ethereum's dominance in the DeFi space, making it feasible to introduce new use cases and eventually increase trx fee revenue.
  4. The switch from PoW to PoS: discontinuing PoW will eliminate the operating costs related to mining and will allow for a reduction of issuance. Money that was previously allocated to buying mining equipment will be redirected to the acquisition of Ether. Staking Ether will remove it from circulation for extended periods of time. Operating cost will be negligible, allowing validators to withhold most of the Ether revenue. This will be the greatest bull market catalyst in the history of cryptocurrencies and it will eclipse the effect of BTC halvenings.
Bitcoin maximalists will be nay-saying all the way through and past a market cap flip. Do not get caught up in their narrative. If you are not sure, then it is better to rebalance your portfolio proportionally to market caps. If none of these things happen and Ethereum turns out to be a failure, then you would only have reduced your gains by 20%. Otherwise, ETH will be making you mountains of money.
EDIT 3: Ethereum killers
Ethereum killers remind me a lot of Tesla killers, but a lot worse. People need to understand that cryptocurrency platforms targeting financial Dapps are fighting the equivalent force of a black-hole when it comes to Ethereum’s network effect and user retention in this space.
Bigger players, with bigger money, are entering this market and they will not settle for anything other than the top dog. This pattern reinforces Ethereum's position as the premium financial system, which ends up attracting even bigger players and resulting in the black-hole effect. To make matters even more complicated, financial apps are more valuable when they are surrounded by a rich and diverse variety of digital assets and other natively defined Dapps. There is not much you can do with your money in a ghost town.
It is VERY difficult to build this type of environment up because the platform and dapps must also have established full trust from their user base. This is not to say there is no space for other networks to grow, but just don’t get your hopes high that they will be taking Ethereum’s stronghold as a financial system. There are other use cases that do not require the amount of decentralization and security offered by Ethereum, and the networks that can focus on these are the ones who will be able to coexist with in the long-run. Gaming, ERP interoperability and supply chain are good examples of such use cases. Remember that alternatives with cheap transactions have existed for a while and they have barely touched ETH's dominance (EOS, NEO, VET, QTUM, IOTA, LSK, STRAT, ARK and dare I say... TRON).
EDIT 4: Refuting critiques about dynamic monetary policy
If an argument can be made that the financial incentives to operators (miners/stakers) are excessive or insufficient then an argument can be for the implementation and execution of a dynamic monetary policy.
I don't think an arbitrarily picked issuance schedule determined during the genesis of a new highly complex system is likely to be efficient through its lifecycle. Bitcoin's monetary policy provides the certainty of stability and protection from abuse, but it sacrifices the possibility of efficiency and jeopardizes longevity. It would be like if a captain of a ship would point it in the direction of its final destination, set the throttle, then fall back to his cabin for a nice bottle of chianti and hope that the ship would arrive safely. There would be no one at the helm to navigate the seas, no one to make sure it stayed on route, no one to avoid the storms or to take advantage of currents. In my opinion it is a pretty bad approach to something as critical as monetary policy.
With respect to Ethereum's dynamic monetary policy: I don't see any evidence to suggest developers have been enriching their pockets by keeping issuance at the levels they are. Developers are stakeholders and the Ethereum fund holds a lot of ether - debasing ether is against their self interest. There is a great misunderstanding that the one's who are adjusting issuance are the recipients of the new tokens. Is there any documented case of this happening?
EDIT 5: Addressing Bitcoin's immutable monetary policy
The idea that Bitcoin's monetary policy cannot be changed is a myth. It is a false narrative that takes for granted that the issuance subsidy will no longer be necessary at some point, but there is no way to objectively assert this. There is no divine power preventing the monetary policy from being changed. If the security model for Bitcoin was jeopardized because of insufficient cash flow to miners, then Bitcoin's monetary policy would be the first thing on the chop board to go in order to remedy the situation.
EDIT 6: Five years ago naysayers were screaming about how everything that is being done TODAY in the Ethereum network would never work. Now they are calling Ethereum a scam, or that is is a platform for degenerate gamblers, or that the fees are too high and therefore it is useless, or that it can't scale, or that something else better is just around the corner to take its place.... you know... basically all the things that traditional bankers have to say about Bitcoin, maxis are saying about Ethereum.
EDIT 7: The greater the impact a new technology can have on society, the more difficult it is to comprehend its potential. Ethereum has the potential to have a dramatic impact on human civilization. It could take decades for it to be fully realized, but it would change the world in ways that we cannot possibly imagine today. If it happens, the moon will be just a pit-stop.
EDIT 8: Thank you so much for all the awards! Ethereans understand this stuff, and I could feel the frustration in the air every time someone said that Ethereum is not money, or that ETH and BTC are completely different things, or all the other bs attacks that are in great part founded on a lack of understanding of how BTC and ETH actually work. I would love to hear what guys like Raoul Pal, Pomp, Michael Saylor and Fernando Ulrich (for my Brazilian friends) would have to say about some of the things that have been written here. If you know a way to get their attention, then please do it.
EDIT 9: Clarification about Lyn Alden's opinion of Ethereum
EDIT 10: I am still working on a much more ambitious write up. It is focused on economic aspects of money, monetary systems and global asset markets. I still have not incorporated any of the information written here, but I eventually will merge it together. One of the main new ideas that I am exploring is challenging the notion that money has no intrinsic value and that scarcity is the most important attribute of money. I think I make a compelling argument to demonstrate that facilitating economic activity is more important, and how Ethereum has a big edge over Bitcoin in this regard. Here is the link to the WIP doc.
TLDR: Ethereum is not stopping at the moon... it is not stopping on Mars... it is going straight out of the Milky Way galaxy in search for alien life... but you should own some BTC just in case the spaceship malfunctions during launch.
submitted by TheWierdGuy to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

Valentines Day Drop Info & FAQ

1st, apologies for being AFK recently.
2nd, thank you to FatAmericanFuck for gathering info into a neat organized comment while I was gone :)
Tester has been added, germination complete, added a mini description for cosmic revival, check below.

Added new userflairs :)





Link to new thread for descriptions.


Valentine's Drop 2/12 at 12:01am Eastern Standard Time

Valentine's Drop

Hey guys, Daz here! I'm sure most of you are aware that things have been delayed with the licensing process at my new spot, resulting in delays in the release of my new photo x auto projects. Well, I hope this makes it up to you! I've dug deep to try and bring a little bit of what everyone has asked for to the table for this Valentine's weekend drop! Collabs with Ronin, Full Duplex/Mandalorian, and a Premium exclusive collab with Binary Selections (Ronin and Magic's line of shared work)!!! I've brought out the last of the Space Station Orange v.1, the last of the Squanch Stomper, the last of the Shekinah, and the last of the Cheech Biggums. I'm introducing a new CBD cross, Cosmic Revival, and releasing the last of the F3 Legacy Regs of both Wizard's Apprentice and Zamadelica Express (*pending current germination testing)... Not only that, every order will receive Seedopoly game pieces, brand new Night Owl plant ID stakes, Night Owl jar and jar lid label stickers, Valentine's day sticker set, and Valentine's day keychain (keychains may run out, all goodies are while supplies last) as well as the usual slaps you know and love! On top of that, if you grab 3 Secret Owl Society packs you'll receive a Secret Owl Society patch. If you order 4 Secret Owl Society packs you will receive the patch and a new glow in the dark Masked Owl ashtray! I'm also working on having the new black on black shirts in time for the drop, but as is life, all of this could change at any given moment. If you made it this far and are still reading, thank you. This drop is the last of my stock, and the next drop will not be until, realistically, July. If you need any Night Owl after this drop please go support the seedbanks that support me, and also show some love to the other auto breeders that are doing real work. I appreciate the continued love and cannot wait to continue on this journey with you.


Every order will come with Valentine's pin, keychain, and sticker combo, lid and jar stickers, nightowl limited or secret owl society stickers, and night owl plant ID stakes.
The Collaboration drops will include everything above and come with their own corresponding stickers.
For every pack ordered, earn 5 plant stakes.
If you order 3 packs of secret owl society to earn a SOS patch.
*USA ONLY\* Order 4 packs of secret owl society and you'll get the patch and a glow in the dark night owl ashtray too.
Spend $250 total value from order(s) to earn a tester pack, Pink Panama x Cosmic Queen.
*USA ONLY\* All premium packs come with 2 seedopoly scratch off cards per pack, all regular packs come with 1 scratch off per pack.
The new secret owl society packaging will go out with this drop.
And please be patient with this drop, there are so many moving parts, it's gonna be hectic!
The crew is coming out to help, but still...

Premium Drop 2/10

Exclusive to Premium Members:
Tester pack If you spent a total of $250

Valentine's Drop 2/12

Tester pack If you spent a total of $250

Drop Descriptions

Link to new thread for descriptions.
Cosmic Revival - Cosmic Revival has not been tested, but I'm hoping to find some nice 1:1, 2:1, and 4:1 examples once I pop them for further line work and based off of what some hemp breeder mentors have been telling me. Currently they should run the gamit. Her flavors ranged from earthy, kushy, and there was even a milk chocolatey finisher in the mix, along with the beachy flavors found in Cosmic queen.

Seedopoly US Only

Link to Seedopoly's board, rules, prizes.

Photo X Auto Project Info

Copied from Daz's IG post.
Thank you all for your patience with me these past few weeks. I've been handling a lot of business behind the scenes in preparation for big things next year. 2020 was the year of staying off the radar with most of my big projects and not drawing any unnecessary attention. 2021 is the year of getting licensed and really showing you what it's all about! Thank you for your trust and faith in me during my overly cautious past few months/years. I won't let you down.🙏🌱🦉🌱🙏New photo to autos scheduled for the first half of 2021:
Pre '98 Bubba Kush x Auto Skywalker F4
Dosidos x Forum Stomper F4
Purple Punch x Forum Stomper F4
Sunset Sherbet x Forum Stomper F4

Secret Owl Society Text Club

The old phone number 474747 isn't in service anymore. If you'd like to join the Secret Owl Society Text Club, then text "nightowl" to (760) 670-3130. This feature SHOULD work for international users, use +1 if you're having trouble! If it still doesn't work with your telecommunications provider, it's rumored to work with a separate messaging application like Whatsapp.

NightOwl Sweaters New-ish Info

Although the new photo x auto crosses are still on hold, I will have some new collabs and maybe even a new SOS variety for the Valentine’s weekend drop. I’ll probably put up the last of the Shekinah too. 🙏🌱🦉🌱🙏
Daz's recent comment two weeks ago

NightOwl Sweaters Older info

Since they were so well received, I'm planning on having more Varsity hoodies made in a different variant. I'd like to make one with the blue and white portions switched, and/or one using the burgundy/maroon color from the Secret Owl Society logo. I'm swamped right now but should have some time to dedicate to new merch after Christmas. 🙏🦉🙏
Daz commented in a thread asking about sweaters

Seedbanks Carrying Nightowl

Halloween Leftovers
So far Hembra Genetics and Insane Seeds has received some leftovers from the recent Halloween drop. They only have a limited quantity of certain cultivarI so check their sites, both ship internationally.
Seedbank Exclusive Culitvar
New vendor exclusive limited-edition drop, live now!! I've spread these three new varieties out to my vendors in hopes of giving all of you a greater chance at getting them! They are a small batch and WILL NOT BE REMADE. Go support them because they've supported me. AT LEAST 4 SEEDS IN EVERY PACK, keychains, and slaps (while supplies last).
Strain Descriptions
Foot Cheeze (Northern Cheeze Haze (UK Cheese pheno) x Tyrone Stomper)
Extra frosty medium-large plants with sturdy side branching, dense golf ball nugs running up each branch, and a cheesy fruity smell ranging from citrus to red fruit. She finishes around 75 days from sprout, yields 2-4 ounces, and has a heavy narcotic affect.
Head Cheeze (Northern Cheese Haze (Haze pheno) x Tyrone Stomper)
A sweet lemony, uplifting pheno of Northern Cheese Haze met up with an extremely greasy Tyrone Stomper resulting in long greasy colas of piercing grapey haze flavors and effects. Heavy indulgence can lead to a lingering paranoia, so plan accordingly ahead of time. Finishes in approximately 70-75 days from sprout and yields around 2-4 ounces.
Squanch Queen (Samsquanch OG x Cosmic Queen)
Some people say creamy sweet gas doesn't exist, but it can be found within these large plants. Satellite branches will take off almost immediately and will require staking or training to make the most of them. Dense disco ball nugs climb up her branches, leading to beautiful flower clusters at the tip of each. Stepping back from the plant, you will see her overall crown shape right before your eyes. This is a heavy-hitting hybrid. The more you use the less productive that you will be. Happy and euphoric in smaller doses, she can create heavy eyelids and a severe lack of motivation when overdone. Finishes around 75 days from sprout.

SeedBank Squanch Queen Foot Cheese Head Cheese Payment International Carry Mephisto Freebies
Neptune Seedbank No Yes Yes Credit Card (US Only), Bitcoin, PMC Gold, Cash Yes Yes *Need User Input
Supreme Seedbank No Yes Yes Money Gram/ Venmo/ Cash App/ Zelle, Money Order, Debit/ Credit (US ONLY 3.5% fee), Custom payment, Bitcoin, eGiftCertificate Yes Yes *Need User Input
Treestar Seedbank Yes Yes Yes Credit Card, Bitcoin, Money Order, Cash, Western Union, Cash App, Zelle Yes Yes Yes
Harvest Mutual Site Renovating, Not open No Yes Yes Cash, Money Order, Credit Card, Paypal Yes Yes Yes
Insane Seeds No Yes Yes Bitcoin, Cash, Credit Card Yes Yes Maybe
DC Seed Exchange No Yes Yes Debit Card, Cash, Money Order, eCheck, Cryptocurrencies No Yes Sometimes / Use "5%DCSEEDS" for 5% off
Oregon Elite Seedbank No Yes Yes Cash, Money Order, Cryptocurrencies Yes No *Need User Input,
Hembra Genetics No Yes Yes Cash, Cash App, Venmo, Bitcoin, Yes No Check site for promos
RMH719 SOLD OUT No No No Cash, Bitcoin No No Sometimes
RMHCA SOLD OUT No No No Cash, Bitcoin, No No Sometimes


"Do seed bank packs have more than 3 seeds?"

You will get what you paid for 3 fem seeds, there's a chance you could get more than 3 seeds unless it says otherwise.

"My pack has a blank label, how do I know what I have?"

Those are the "Secret Owl Society" packs, they come labeled with UV ink. Daz almost always provides a small blacklight keychain, use it to reveal the pack name.

"Is there any freebies?"

Like Mephisto, Nightowl will give you 2 extra seeds on 3 seed pack orders. Same cultivar. No freebie tiers like Mephisto.

"I got a confirmation email, it still says "processing", should I be worried?"

As long as you have a confirmation email, then there's nothing to worry about your order has been received.

"Received tracking, no movement on the order since being scanned into Denver, or not scanned at all"

Email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

Order related issue?

Email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

"Do I need TSB Premium to make a purchase, or do I purchase through Premium?"

No, you don't need TSB Premium to make a purchase. This was an option for paying members to get a chance to access the drop early. Nothing was exclusive to premium, everyone has access to all the strains. Go to the regular store page

"How do I register for a free account?"

There should be a sign-in button at the bottom of the page, or the NightOwl Store page. Look at this image to help.

"What do I do with my scratch card?"

Mail it in for the next drop, or any future drop NightOwl has specifically on TSB. When checking out select "mail-in cash/ money order". Once you complete the order, you should then get an email with mail-in details.
submitted by BlueJayin to nightowlseeds [link] [comments]

The unspoken rules of FRBST: let's talk about them.

So, if you spend (way too much) time on the BST like me, you've noticed that recently, there's been a little more drama in the last few weeks than usual and people have been getting called out more often on some... missteps in their posts lol. (I would've posted this there, but since these kinds of general posts aren't allowed, I figured this was the next best place to put it.)
While it's been lowkey entertaining and a decent way to inform people on some unspoken rules, I figured it could be useful to actually lay out those unspoken rules that aren't in the sub's "official" rules. Take it as "strong suggestions" that I think are fair game, and should generally be worth considering by everyone who uses the sub.
Side note: To the BST mods who may see this, this is not at all supposed to be a criticism of the sub and its "approved" rules — it's more of a PSA for those who've received criticism on their posts and could use some guidance on some base-level standards.
Also, PLEASE KNOW: I don't claim to be some sort of "authority" on what you should and shouldn't do in the BST; you are obviously allowed to disagree with anything I point out! I'm just an observer who feels like there are things that people on the sub generally approve of and don't approve of. Though, I'll mention that I've bought more than 30+ things from the BST by now and have gotten a feel for what's deemed acceptable and what isn't. And it'd be helpful, in my opinion, to know beforehand what some baseline expectations are, especially if you're new to selling or buying.

Rule #1: Do not take advantage of people and mark items up for significantly more than what you paid.

This is probably the biggest thing sellers have been getting called out for lately. Please don't sell for profit when people can more than likely obtain the same thing for less from sellers directly. Yes, we know there's the advantage of not waiting so long and worrying about customs. Still, that doesn't necessarily make it okay.
The only fair exception that I see to this is if you've ordered something in the wrong size and need to get your money back. It's reasonable in this case to sell for what you paid plus shipping, which shouldn't be more than $8-$10 in most cases. Anything more than that, and you're gonna end up looking sus. And don't be annoyed if you get called out for it. It's just frowned upon. It is what it is.
Also, if you do this when the item you're selling has significant flaws, is a budget batch you're trying to upsell, or is clearly used, I hate to say it, but you're just an asshole at that point. Why even do that? And why expect that someone would want to pay even full price for it? I can sympathize when you're really strapped for cash, but don't try to obtain it that way. It's shitty no matter which way you bend it.
In general, I don't think anyone goes to the BST looking to pay for more than what they could get it for, you know? Be fair in pricing your items; that's all.

Rule #2: Please... PLEASE take decent pictures of items.

If there is anything that personally drives me the craziest about the BST, it's the posts that have awful, blurry, and dimly-lit pictures. Especially if I'm actually interested. Please try not to take indecipherable photos in your windowless, lamp-lit bedroom lmao; it's not really helpful to buyers who want to really see what they'd be receiving.
I sell authentic items often on apps like Mercari and Grailed. (I'm also a producer in TV/film for work and use cameras a lot.) I'm not at all saying to take gorgeous, immaculate photos, just decent ones with good lighting. Here's what's been eye-catching and successful for me on my listings:
Take 2-3 pictures of each item at the least, and 5-10 at best. If it's shoes, take at least 6, including: side view, top view, insoles, bottom of the sole, detailed close-ups of features of interest (e.g. the heel tab on TS J4's, suede on TS J1's, etc.), and open box (if you have it).
Also, here's actually a really helpful pro tip: wipe your phone's camera lens before taking pictures! It's amazing how many people don't realize that their camera lens has some oil/residue on it and that's what's making their pictures look blurry. The difference is insane.
Here's an example of some Dunks I posted that sold in literally 2 mins after I listed them on the BST. I even got a few messages from people saying they appreciated the detailed pictures! Trust me; people notice when you make the effort. It's not difficult either!
If it helps, try to use product images on official brand websites as references. They actually help to give you an idea of how to take good photos of your item(s).
I understand there are people who just want to list their items and get it done quickly, but honestly, you might be inconveniencing yourself anyway when someone inevitably asks for more/clearer photos. Take the extra 5 mins to find a decent spot in your house/apartment, preferably with a window nearby, to lay out your items and get good pics. Even if it has to be outside. It benefits you anyway as the item will sell faster, especially if it draws natural interest.

Rule #3: Don't post your items and then leave interested buyers hanging immediately after. Post when you're readily available for the next 2 hours or so. And HONOR THE FCFS SYSTEM.

Sorry for the all caps lol But this one Drives. Me. Crazy. Jfc. And for some reason, it happens more often than it should. I'll comment and message about a post that was just posted like 15 mins ago, and then the seller is radio silent and doesn't respond literally until the next day. Why? I literally feel like people post their stuff and then run away from their phones/computers, which is insane. Don't you want to sell stuff sooner than later?
This wouldn't annoy me so much if it wasn't for the fact that sellers like this often end up not honoring the first come first serve system as they should. They don't get chats/notifications in real-time because they come back hours later to a barrage of messages and just sell to the first one they open, when that's not necessarily the order they received those messages — then inevitably results in them skipping over people who technically got to the item first.
If you end up doing this by the way, the easiest way to make sure you're honoring the FCFS system is by sorting the comments on your post by 'New.' If you have multiple people interested in the same item, check who commented first. They should have dibs.
It's happened to me where I've gotten to a post way ahead of someone else, but the item ended up going to them because the seller wasn't paying attention or just didn't care. It's just irritating.
Also, I know sellers get annoyed at buyers who do this, and obviously the same expectation applies for them to reply quickly, but it's just as annoying the other way around.

Rule #4: People generally want the cheapest option for shipping. Know the best shipping options and prices.

I don't know about anyone else, but I have seen some ridiculous shipping prices on the BST. A standard shirt shipping for $10? Unless you're shipping it far, nah fam, you're definitely overcharging.
Since I want to save people the time of actually researching on their own, I'll lay out the most common prices for you. (And keep in mind, this is for US-based people, sorry. I can't speak towards international as I'm not familiar with the mailing services.)
Unless your only local option is UPS, most lightweight items can be shipped through USPS First Class. Most shirts that I ship out only come to about $4 - $6 that way. Anything below 1 lb., you can ship for cheaper than the standard flat rate $7.75 Priority shipping.
If your item weighs more than a pound, that's when the item must be shipped through USPS Priority Mail. This is when you should consider using USPS's flat rate mailers and boxes. Their price chart is on the website.
UPS, FedEx, and DHL are all generally more expensive. Though you can consider UPS for heavier items. Every single thing I've purchased from the BST was shipped through USPS though, so it's definitely the best, cheapest option.
Also, when you price your items, I would actually consider baking the shipping cost into your item. It's just easier to see exactly what you'd be paying.

Rule #5: If you know the sellebatch, mention it. Be transparent about flaws.

Simple, straightforward. And this shouldn't even be an unspoken rule honestly. It's doing the bare minimum as a seller and letting buyers know exactly what they're getting.
If you bought it on DHGate, for instance, just say so. Of course it's most likely a budget batch but that doesn't automatically mean it won't sell. Plenty of people are fine with budget batches as long as they know the flaws.
Most people just want to know what the differences are compared to the authentic; QC's wouldn't be a thing if they didn't.
I understand sellers are afraid of their item not selling if they mention flaws, but it's just a courtesy you should absolutely extend. And if for some reason it's not something you want to do, then at least tell people to do their own QC. And where possible, consider providing a link to the authentic (this is something the RepladiesBST does, and it's a useful system).

Rule #6: Buyers, be patient about shipping.

sigh... Another thing that shouldn't even be an unspoken rule, but basic human decency.
If there's more of a time to entertain the idea of being patient with people, it's now. Not only are we dealing with a pandemic that has exorbitantly increased the volume of packages, but people may not have all the time in the world right now to ship a package out right away — pandemic or not.
You'll get your item(s) soon enough; it's not a life or death situation, so don't harass a seller to ship out. My rule of thumb is generally to wait 5 days — and if it's longer, inquire nicely about it.
When I sell, I avoid this conversation by shipping items out the same or next day. But I've interacted with some sellers who've appreciated the patience when I don't demand that they ship soon. They've also expressed to me their disbelief at the rude messages they've received from people. Don't be that guy. It's not cool and reflects poorly on you. Not to mention, if you're interested in something else they list in the future, they might not want to do business with you.
P.S. I was going to add a bit about sellers shipping within a reasonable time frame, but there's already an official rule in the sub for that.

Rule #7: Buyers, take the time to read the preamble of a post thoroughly.

Full disclosure, I've been guilty of this, as sometimes the name of the game is messaging the seller first for a good item, but try to actually read any important notes that a seller writes before the chunk with all the items listed. They may mention something important you should know and then get annoyed if you message them with a question or request they've already answered.
If the seller says prices are firm, respect that (unless, of course, they're violating rule #1 above). If they say they prefer PM over Chat, do so. Like you, people have preferences. Like the cliché goes, do for others what you'd want done for you.

Rule #8: Sellers, try to format your post in an organized fashion.

I'd say this is strongly suggested in cases where more than 3 items are being listed. It's incredibly hard to sift through a wall of text when there are tons of items and it's hard to decipher its price, where the photos are, size, etc.
Personally, I think the absolute best way to list items is to create an album for each one, and then make a hyperlinked text title. It's simple and straightforward, and people don't need to be scrolling through a ton of photos that way. I've found myself having to scroll to the bottom of 35 page imgur albums sometimes to see the item I'm interested in, and it's just not really convenient when you want to message a seller quickly with genuine interest. (If it's just faster and you don't feel like you have the time though, obviously it's not the end of the world. Just a thought to entertain.)
Here's my favorite way to format my posts, along with some other examples — Ex. 1 / Ex. 2 / Ex. 3 — I'm fond of. Obviously nobody's asking you to copy these exactly, but following a similar sense of organization is helpful to everyone, including yourself. Just make sure it's easy to read and follow.

Instead of a rule, I need to put a PSA here: when you send your invoices, do NOT mention anything about replicas and do NOT mention designer brands, especially when the transaction is low-priced!

Honestly most sellers I've encountered know this already, but I've definitely come across one too many people who don't. There have been cases of PayPal accounts getting flagged for selling/buying replicas when certain key words are included in invoices.
When you create an invoice, use shorthand/abbreviations for designer stuff (e.g. GCI for Gucci, DR for Dior, etc.) And just avoid writing anything suggesting what you're selling is a replicas whatsoever. Remember: even though we love them, they're still definitely illegal lol.
Well, there it all is. Do I have too much time on my hands? Probably. I took a day off work today and what started as a small post ended up being this huge list lmao. I won't be offended if you don't read through the whole thing. I did say a lot.

TL;DR – Tbh, this can all be summarized by saying: don't be a dick, don't be lazy, and don't lie. 90% of the time, someone will be able to tell if you're lying about a batch or quality. Don't embarrass yourself. If you want get the most out of being a part of repfam, do good by the community; people will remember your username if you're an asshole and will respond accordingly. I've seen it happen. By the same token, they'll remember you if you're a solid buyeseller.

Let me conclude and be clear by saying that I'm not speaking for everyone and don't want it to be taken that way, so please absolutely feel free to express your opinions on anything I said here below. I wanted to also flair this post as 'Discussion' but double flairs aren't possible sadly. I encourage you all to actively discuss what you think is best practice and I can edit this post accordingly. These are just things that I suggested based on reactions/conversations/arguments I've seen in the BST.
Most of my experiences in the BST by the way are largely pleasant or pretty easygoing, so this post isn't meant to say that the BST is a hot mess or anything! If you don't agree with any of these unspoken rules, then the one I think everyone should abide by is: Be kind. Might sound cliché but it's true. People respond well to that, buyers and sellers alike.
On a last positive note, appreciate any repfam I've interacted with in the BST; a great majority of you are super kind and accommodating, and thank you for being a solid resource when I don't want to do a huge overseas haul! :)
submitted by lugnutsandbolts to FashionReps [link] [comments]

Moving Out From an Abusive Parent: A Crash Course For Minors

https://furiousgoldfish.tumblr.com/post/634336581549981696/moving-out-from-an-abusive-parent-a-crash-course COPY PASTE FROM FURIOUS GOLDFISH I DIDN'T WRITE THIS I JUST WANT TO SHARE IT.

Disclaimer: this can be very dangerous. Please make sure you are going to enter safe situations where people are not going to harm you if you follow this advice.

Moving Out From an Abusive Parent: A Crash Course For Minors

\*The legal information provided in this only applies to minors living in the United States. I am not a legal professional, and any legal information should be researched independently by the reader.***
**Each state has their own laws about when a minor can move out of their parent’s. Research these laws. I’m not promoting minors breaking the law.**


Moving out is a lot more expensive then it seems. Even if you have a place to stay (a friend, shelter, relative), there will be bumps in the road that will take a good chunk of your savings. Luckily, I had managed to save a few hundred dollars before I myself moved out


The worst mistake I made when I moved out was not getting my birth certificate or social security card before leaving.

Living Arrangements

Since I’ve moved out, I’ve been couch surfing from place to place. Luckily, I’d already planned on it being this way, and have family and friends glad to help me


Being homeless can be a royal pain when it comes to going to college. Trust me, I’m doing it right now. However, most students aren’t aware how far they can go without their parents’ help.


Once you’re 18, you can apply for welfare of your own as long as you’re not living with your parents. However, your parents may still be claiming you, which can prevent you from receiving welfare.


Successfully becoming independent from an abusive parent is difficult, even more so when you’re scraping for every penny. However, independent means being responsible for your own communication (between work, school, and whatever else you’re doing, you’l need it).


Doing the Dirty- the Move

Mental Health and Self Care

Moving out can take a toll on you, emotionally and physically. I know it did for me, at least.

Keep Your Nose Clean

Consider Contacting CPS


submitted by Lighthousessssssss to CPTSDNextSteps [link] [comments]

Dealing with Scams and Scammers: How can You Try to Avoid Being Cheated (By Sophie Sparks)

If you have been a sex worker (SW) for a longer period of time, you must have at least seen attempts to scam you. If you are new, I can almost guarantee it will happen. So, I am here to share and detail some of the type of scams I have encountered, hopefully help others avoid them, and even give some suggestions on how one can mitigate the situation after the fact.
I divide this guide into two sections, Full Scams and Partial Scams, with the former usually being easier to spot and avoid, and the latter being more complex and most of the time unavoidable to some degree. Usually, your best friend will be someone’s reputation. If you’ve interacted with them before and they were fair, you can expect them to continue to be. You can also ask other SWs, and search on Twitter and other platform to see if anything worrying shows up. But you have to start somewhere, and if you take no risks, there will be little reward. So how can you be smart about it, and minimize risks, while maximizing reward?!
Full Scams
By Full Scams I mean that you are completely deceived. Someone promises something, and then it turns out it was a complete lie.
Example: You get a message on TwitteInstagram where someone promises $500/h for a Skype Show. They say they don’t “trust your camsite” and/or “don’t want the company to show up on the credit card bill”. Now, you are smart so you ask for the money in advance, but that’s far from “enough”. As with most things, “If it’s too good to be true, it probably isn’t”, but even if the amount seems reasonable, that’s not enough to consider it a legitimate offer. If it is indeed a scam, two things could happen:
1. The seller sends a fake PayPal (or Venmo, CashApp etc.) email. You get it in your inbox, and it looks real. Sometimes they can even spoof it so it looks like it was sent from u/paypal.com. But you look in your PayPal account and it’s not there. They insist they sent it. Perhaps call you the “scammer”. Maybe say they talked to customer support and it takes a few hours for the transaction to show up because of a glitch, but they expect you to do the show now. I can almost certainly guarantee this is a lie! Don’t waste your time with this person. Block them and report them.
2. The customer actually sends the money. You see the money in your PayPal account. You do the show and a few days later the transaction is reversed. PayPal will not help you. They will not only NOT reverse the transaction in your favour, but your account will probably get suspended.
Solutions: Don’t use PayPal (et al.). Really, don’t. They are not sex worker friendly. It is against their T&C. Also, your real name will be displayed in most cases to the “buyer”, not just your email/username. If you really must use PayPal, do not accept any transfer that is not sent as “Friends & Family”. Regular sales will require proof of delivery, which of course you cannot give. If some small amount was deducted from the transfer by PayPall as fees, that was a sale. F&F is free and the only way you can be confident it will not be reversed. It still can be, but it is unlikely. The sender would have to claim their account was hacked and they can’t do it over and over. Instead, you can use cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin (but don’t forget to still pay taxes on it). It’s anonymous, it’s non reversible, extremely low fees, your account won’t get suspended, and can be easily converted into fiat currency so you don’t expose yourself to value instability. Not many people use it or trust it, but I offered discounts to some of my regulars to incentivize them to try it. I can perhaps write a longer guide about the benefits of this and procedure if there’s interest.
Partial Scams
These are a little harder to avoid because they are not an outright scam, even if you get deceived or feel cheated. Unfortunately, there are many companies that can fall into this category. They will have you click on accepting tens of pages of small text where even if you spend hours reading everything, the writing is so vague that it basically sums up to “we reserve the right to do whatever the f**k we want”. This could be a red flag, but not necessarily. Many big companies need to abide to local and international laws and have a legal team that will draft contracts to protect them from liability. In the end, even if you are in the right, you are almost certainly not going to sue them, and they know that unfortunately.
Example: So, let’s say you enter an agreement with a new platform that promises you a guarantee for posting a certain amount of content daily. You do your part and at the end they offer you half the money. The reason? They decided they only wanted half of what they initially asked for. They never notified you, and while this is infuriating, their T&C do state that’s “fair game”.
Solution: So what can you do? Not much. I wish I had better advice, but I don’t. So cut your losses, tell others, and move on. In the future, try and look up a company’s reputation, see if they agree to (partial) payment in advance, and at first take money out early and often.
Example: You do a cam show for 1h, on your preferred site, or you get a big tip on OnlyFans for a custom, and you deliver. A few days later you have a “chargeback”. The customer has charged back the amount through their bank, saying their card was stolen. Perhaps it actually was and someone else used it on your page. In the end, it doesn’t matter. You can only email the website you were on, and it’s unlikely they will do a whole lot. It’s in their interest as well to validate all transactions since they keep a percentage, so in a way, you both got scammed.
Solution: Make sure you understand the website chargeback policy. Some websites cover those costs, but even then, they can flag your account for “suspicious activity” and still perform a chargeback, meaning they won’t chargeback a few dollars, but if someone spends 4k on you, then they will suspect some “funny business” has occurred and can even accuse you of being implicated. They don’t need to prove it. For OnlyFans there is a 7-day period for chargebacks, after which they take the hit (customers can ask their bank for a refund usually up to 90 days after the transaction). Other websites will charge back everything, but they usually give you a higher percentage on sales than the competition. In the end, companies are “for profit”, so while its in their interest to retain models and keep them happy, they still want to make money. Usually, the very large companies with thousands of models are “too big to care”. If you leave, there’s thousands of others still left on the platform, so sometimes, in my experience, lesser known companies are actually more reputable and easier to communicate and resolve issues with. Don’t fall for “the biggest ____ in the world” and think that necessarily implies it’s also “the best”.
Concluding remarks
Sooner or later, it is almost unavoidable that you will get scammed one way or another. All business has some degree of risk and you can mitigate it, but never completely eliminate it. A store will have shoplifters, so they hire a security guard. They could perhaps hire 10 instead and there will be fewer shoplifters, but then the salaries of the security guards will be more than the loss caused by the shoplifters. The only solution to being 100% sure there will never be any shoplifters is to close the store. In the SW industry, you also want to keep a balance and not spend too many resources on making sure you never ever lose money. This is “the cost of doing business”. Try and be selective with whom you engage and screen for reputation. Still, that’s not to say that a poorly written message is always a scam. I’ve gained some good paying customers from DMs that at first seemed shady, and I had some “sure deals” that did not materialize. Also, be smart and focus on the bottom line not on “the principle of it” where you spend 3 weeks on emails to maybe get $10 back. Understand your risk tolerance, learn from your mistakes, revaluate business relations, and move forward. Help and warn others if you can. Like former president G.W. Bush said: “Fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me…you can't get fooled again!”
Did you have any similar situations happened to you? Do you know of any other scams? Feel free to comment and complement the info I offered in this post. If you have any questions I’ll try and respond in the comments, or perhaps write a future article if the topic seems relevant and complex enough to warrant its own separate post. 😊
submitted by ErstiesCasting to ErstiesCasting [link] [comments]

Hey everyone! Here is my weekly article :) Dealing with Scams and Scammers: How can You Try to Avoid Being Cheated. Any feedback welcome!

If you have been a sex worker (SW) for a longer period of time, you must have at least seen attempts to scam you. If you are new, I can almost guarantee it will happen. So, I am here to share and detail some of the type of scams I have encountered, hopefully help others avoid them, and even give some suggestions on how one can mitigate the situation after the fact.
I divide this guide into two sections, Full Scams and Partial Scams, with the former usually being easier to spot and avoid, and the latter being more complex and most of the time unavoidable to some degree. Usually, your best friend will be someone’s reputation. If you’ve interacted with them before and they were fair, you can expect them to continue to be. You can also ask other SWs, and search on Twitter and other platform to see if anything worrying shows up. But you have to start somewhere, and if you take no risks, there will be little reward. So how can you be smart about it, and minimize risks, while maximizing reward?!
Full Scams
By Full Scams I mean that you are completely deceived. Someone promises something, and then it turns out it was a complete lie.
Example: You get a message on TwitteInstagram where someone promises $500/h for a Skype Show. They say they don’t “trust your camsite” and/or “don’t want the company to show up on the credit card bill”. Now, you are smart so you ask for the money in advance, but that’s far from “enough”. As with most things, “If it’s too good to be true, it probably isn’t”, but even if the amount seems reasonable, that’s not enough to consider it a legitimate offer. If it is indeed a scam, two things could happen:
1. The seller sends a fake PayPal (or Venmo, CashApp etc.) email. You get it in your inbox, and it looks real. Sometimes they can even spoof it so it looks like it was sent from u/paypal*.com. But you look in your PayPal account and it’s not there. They insist they sent it. Perhaps call you the “scammer”. Maybe say they talked to customer support and it takes a few hours for the transaction to show up because of a glitch, but they expect you to do the show now. I can almost certainly guarantee this is a lie! Don’t waste your time with this person. Block them and report them.*
2. The customer actually sends the money. You see the money in your PayPal account. You do the show and a few days later the transaction is reversed. PayPal will not help you. They will not only NOT reverse the transaction in your favour, but your account will probably get suspended.
Solutions: Don’t use PayPal (et al.). Really, don’t. They are not sex worker friendly. It is against their T&C. Also, your real name will be displayed in most cases to the “buyer”, not just your email/username. If you really must use PayPal, do not accept any transfer that is not sent as “Friends & Family”. Regular sales will require proof of delivery, which of course you cannot give. If some small amount was deducted from the transfer by PayPall as fees, that was a sale. F&F is free and the only way you can be confident it will not be reversed. It still can be, but it is unlikely. The sender would have to claim their account was hacked and they can’t do it over and over. Instead, you can use cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin (but don’t forget to still pay taxes on it). It’s anonymous, it’s non reversible, extremely low fees, your account won’t get suspended, and can be easily converted into fiat currency so you don’t expose yourself to value instability. Not many people use it or trust it, but I offered discounts to some of my regulars to incentivize them to try it. I can perhaps write a longer guide about the benefits of this and procedure if there’s interest.
Partial Scams
These are a little harder to avoid because they are not an outright scam, even if you get deceived or feel cheated. Unfortunately, there are many companies that can fall into this category. They will have you click on accepting tens of pages of small text where even if you spend hours reading everything, the writing is so vague that it basically sums up to “we reserve the right to do whatever the f**k we want”. This could be a red flag, but not necessarily. Many big companies need to abide to local and international laws and have a legal team that will draft contracts to protect them from liability. In the end, even if you are in the right, you are almost certainly not going to sue them, and they know that unfortunately.
Example: So, let’s say you enter an agreement with a new platform that promises you a guarantee for posting a certain amount of content daily. You do your part and at the end they offer you half the money. The reason? They decided they only wanted half of what they initially asked for. They never notified you, and while this is infuriating, their T&C do state that’s “fair game”.
Solution: So what can you do? Not much. I wish I had better advice, but I don’t. So cut your losses, tell others, and move on. In the future, try and look up a company’s reputation, see if they agree to (partial) payment in advance, and at first take money out early and often.
Example: You do a cam show for 1h, on your preferred site, or you get a big tip on OnlyFans for a custom, and you deliver. A few days later you have a “chargeback”. The customer has charged back the amount through their bank, saying their card was stolen. Perhaps it actually was and someone else used it on your page. In the end, it doesn’t matter. You can only email the website you were on, and it’s unlikely they will do a whole lot. It’s in their interest as well to validate all transactions since they keep a percentage, so in a way, you both got scammed.
Solution: Make sure you understand the website chargeback policy. Some websites cover those costs, but even then, they can flag your account for “suspicious activity” and still perform a chargeback, meaning they won’t chargeback a few dollars, but if someone spends 4k on you, then they will suspect some “funny business” has occurred and can even accuse you of being implicated. They don’t need to prove it. For OnlyFans there is a 7-day period for chargebacks, after which they take the hit (customers can ask their bank for a refund usually up to 90 days after the transaction). Other websites will charge back everything, but they usually give you a higher percentage on sales than the competition. In the end, companies are “for profit”, so while its in their interest to retain models and keep them happy, they still want to make money. Usually, the very large companies with thousands of models are “too big to care”. If you leave, there’s thousands of others still left on the platform, so sometimes, in my experience, lesser known companies are actually more reputable and easier to communicate and resolve issues with. Don’t fall for “the biggest ____ in the world” and think that necessarily implies it’s also “the best”.
Concluding remarks
Sooner or later, it is almost unavoidable that you will get scammed one way or another. All business has some degree of risk and you can mitigate it, but never completely eliminate it. A store will have shoplifters, so they hire a security guard. They could perhaps hire 10 instead and there will be fewer shoplifters, but then the salaries of the security guards will be more than the loss caused by the shoplifters. The only solution to being 100% sure there will never be any shoplifters is to close the store. In the SW industry, you also want to keep a balance and not spend too many resources on making sure you never ever lose money. This is “the cost of doing business”. Try and be selective with whom you engage and screen for reputation. Still, that’s not to say that a poorly written message is always a scam. I’ve gained some good paying customers from DMs that at first seemed shady, and I had some “sure deals” that did not materialize. Also, be smart and focus on the bottom line not on “the principle of it” where you spend 3 weeks on emails to maybe get $10 back. Understand your risk tolerance, learn from your mistakes, revaluate business relations, and move forward. Help and warn others if you can. Like former president G.W. Bush said: “Fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me…you can't get fooled again!”
Did you have any similar situations happened to you? Do you know of any other scams? Feel free to comment and complement the info I offered in this post. If you have any questions I’ll try and respond in the comments, or perhaps write a future article if the topic seems relevant and complex enough to warrant its own separate post. 😊
submitted by ErstiesCasting to CamGirlProblems [link] [comments]

(SELLING) HUGE LIST SALE: ANOTHER BIG LIST, mixed of New, Newer, Old and Older Titles ranging from 4K, HDx and SD formats. Lots of $2 and Under titles. Thank you for looking at my list.

NOTE: Please READ...
1.) Will reply to potential sale and inquiries as soon as i can.
2.) All titles are sold as split whenever possible, so please redeem what you pay for.
3.) Redemption site & format is indicated besides every title, all MA eligible titles is labeled with (MA), (MA or iTunes) or (iTunes/ports), meaning they all port to all services if available. While, titles with labels (Vudu), (iTunes) or (vudu or iTunes) doesn't ports MA and stay on the service it was redeemed. Stay Safe Folks....
TODAY's SPECIAL : Spend $10 above and get 5% off total or spend $20 and get 10% off total; otherwise firm on prices listed. Thanks
in order to see updated list on real time; you can open the below link... I will try to update as much as possible:
for Sale List - Google Sheets

Newly Added: (Not part of Specials / Price is FIRM)
The Hobbit Trilogy [ Both Theatrical & Extended Cuts] 4k (MA) $35
Lord of the Rings Trilogy [ Both Theatrical & Extended Cuts] 4k (MA) $35
Santa Clause Trilogy HD (GP) $9

4K UHD Section:
*13 Hours: Secret Soldiers of Benghazi 4k (iTunes) $3
*22 Jump Street 4k (MA) $6
*A Quiet Place 4k (vudu) $4
*Alien Covenant 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*Antebellum 4k (vudu or iTunes) $8
*Battleship (4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*Bay Watch** 4k (vudu) $4 (iTunes) $3
*Ben-Hur 2016 (4k (iTunes) $4
*Black Hawk Down 4k (MA) $7
*Birds of Prey 4k (MA) $6
*BumbleBee 4k (vudu) $4 (iTunes) $2.5
*Criminal 4k (vudu) $5 (iTunes) $3
*Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*Deadpool 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*Deepwater Horizon 4k (iTunes) $3
*Dragged Accross Concrete [4k-iTunes / HD-vudu] $4
*Dredd 4k (iTunes) $4
*Don't Breathe (MA) $5
*Downsizing 4k (vudu) $4 (iTunes)$3
*Exodus: Gods and Kings 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*Fast and Furious 6 4k (iTunes/ports) $3
*Five Feet Apart [4k-iTunes or HD-vudu] $4
*Furious 7 4k (iTunes/ports) $3
*Ghost in the Shell (live) 4k (iTunes) $3
*Gods of Egypt 4k (iTunes) $3
*Heat 1995 "Directors Definitive Edition 4k (iTunes/ports) $6
*Hercules 2014 4k (iTunes) $3
*Home Alone 4k (iTunes/ports) $6
*Independence Day: Resurrurgence 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*Interstellar 4k (iTunes) $3
*It's a Wonderful Life 4k (vudu) $6 (iTunes) $4
*John Wick: Chapter 2 4k (vudu) $5
*Joker 4k (MA) $6
*Judy 4k (vudu or iTunes) $6
*Jurassic Park 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*Jurassic Park 3 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*Jurassic World 4k (iTunes/ports) $3
*Life of Pi 4k (iTunes/ports) $5
*Logan 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*Lone Survivor 4k (iTunes/ports) $3
*Lucy 4k (iTunes/ports) $3
*Mad Max Fury Road 4k (MA) $6
*Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials 4k (iTunes/ports) $5
*Midway 4k (vudu or iTunes) $5
*Parasite 4k (MA) $6
*Point Break 4k (MA) $6
*Prometheus 4k (iTunes/ports) $7
*Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 4k (vudu or iTunes) $5
*Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows 4k (MA) $6
*Snow White and the Huntsman 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*Spectre 4k (iTunes) $4
*Terminator: Genysis (vudu) $5 4k (iTunes) $3
*The Bourne Legacy 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*The Divergent: Allegiant 4k (iTunes) $4
*The Expendables 3 Theatrical 4k (iTunes) $3
*The Fault in Ours Stars 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*The Great Wall 4k (iTunes/ports) $3
*The Hunger Games 4k (vudu) $4
*The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 4k (iTunes) $3
The Huntsman Winter's War Ext 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*The Last Witch Hunter 4k (iTunes) $3
*The Legend of Tarzan 4k (MA) $6
*The Lego Movie 4k (MA) $4
*The Martian 4k (iTunes/ports) $5
*The Peanuts Movie 4k (itunes/ports) $5
*The Predator 2018 4k (MA) $6
*The Shining 4k (MA) $6
*The Twighlight: Eclipse 4k (iTunes) $4
*Transformers: The Last Knights 4k (iTunes) $3
*Underworld 4k (MA) $6
*Venom 4k (MA) $6
*War of the Planet of the Apes 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*Warcraft 4k (iTunes/ports) $3
*Wonder Woman: Bloodlines 4k (MA) $6
*X-Men: Apocalypse 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*X-Men: Future Past 4k (iTunes/ports) $4

HDx Section:
*12 Strong (MA) $3
*1917 (MA) $4
*21 Jump Street (MA) $3
*A Harold and Kumar Christmas (MA) $3
*After Earth (MA) $4
*Annabelle Creation (MA) $4
*Annie 2014 (MA) $4
*Aquaman (MA) $3
*Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice [Ext & theartrical] (MA) $3
*Ben-Hur 2016 (vudu) #3
*Beyond the Reach (vudu) $3
*Captain Phillips (MA) $3.5
*Case for Christ (iTunes/ports) $3
*Central Intelligence (MA) $3
*Chappie (MA) $4
*Courageous (MA) $4
*Creed (vudu) $4
*Curse of Chucky (iTunes/ports) $3
*Dark Waters (MA) $6
*Dear White People (vudu) $3
*Dracula Untold (MA) $3
*Dunkirk (MA) $3
*Extremly Loud, Incredibly CLose (MA) $3
*Florence Foster Jenkins (vudu) $4 ( iTunes) $3
*Gangster Squad (MA) $3
*Get Hard (MA) $3
*Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (MA) $5
*Godzilla 2014 (MA) $3
*Green Lantern & Emerald Knights (MA) $3
*Home Alone 2 (MA) $5
*Homefront (iTunes/ports) $3
*I, Frankenstein (vudu or iTunes) $3
*If Beale Street Could Talk (MA) $5
*Inception (MA) $3
*Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark (vudu) $6 (iTunes) $4
*Inferno (MA) $4
*Jessabelle (vudu) $4
*Jurassic Park (MA) $3
*Jurassic Park 3 (MA) $3
*Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (MA) $3
*Justice League: Throne of Atlantis (MA) $4
Life after Beth (vudu) $4
*Live Die Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow (MA) $3
*London Has Fallen (iTunes/ports)
*Man of Steel (MA) $3
*Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (vudu) $4
*M.I.B. International (MA) $4
*Miracle on 34th Street (MA) $5
*Moneyball (MA) $4
*Mortdecai (vudu) $3
*My Big Fat Greek Weeding 2 (iTunes/ports) $3
*Necessary Evil: Super-Villains of DC Comics (MA) $4
*Neighbors (iTunes/ports) $3
*No Good Deed (MA) $4
*Non-Stop (iTunes/ports) $3
*Olympus Has Fallen (MA) $4
*Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (MA) $4
*Pacific Rim (MA) $3
*Passengers (MA) $3
*Pixels (MA) $5
*Pompeii (MA) $4
*Popeye (vudu or iTunes) $6
*Prisoners (MA) $4
*Rampage (MA) $3
*Rango (vudu) $3
*Ready Player One (MA) $3
*Red Riding Hood (MA) $5
*Ride Along (iTunes/ports) $3
*Ride Along 2 (iTunes/ports) $3
*Riddick Unrated (iTunes/ports) $2.5
*Run All Night (MA) $3
*Santa's Little Helper (MA) $4
*Scouts Guide inthe Zombie Apocalypse (vudu)$ 4 (iTunes) $3
*Secret in Their Eyes (iTunes/ports) $3
*Seventh Son (iTunes/ports) $3
*Silver Linings Playbook (vudu) $3
*Son of Batman (MA) $4
*Spider-Man Homecoming (MA) $3
*Still Alice (MA) $4
*Spider-Man Far From Home (MA) $3
*Spy Unrated (MA) $4
*Step Up All In (vudu) $4
*St. Vincent (vudu) $3
*T2: Trainspotting (MA) $4
*Taken 2 (MA) $3
*Taken 3 (MA) $4
*Ted (MA) $3
*Ted 2 (iTunes/ports) $3
*The Adventures of Tin Tin [HD vudu or iTunes] $3
*The Amazing Spider-Man 2 $4
*The Bourne Legacy (MA) $3
*The Brothers Grimsby (MA) $4
*The Dark Tower (MA) Z$4
*The Divergent: Allegiant (vudu) $3
*The Equalizer (MA) $4
*The Fighter (iTunes) $3
*The Incredible Burt Wonderstone (MA) $3
*The Judge (MA) $3
*The Legend of Tarzan (MA) $3
*The Lighthouse [A24] (vudu) $4.5
*The Meg (MA) $3
*The Predator (MA) $3
*The Shack (vudu or iTunes) $3
*The Shallows (MA) $4
*The Single Mom's Club (vudu) $3
*The Walk (MA) $5
*The Way Back (MA) $4
*The Wolf on Wall Street (vudu) $3
*Think Like A Man (MA) $4
*This is Where I Leave You (MA) $3
*Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Misouri (MA) $3
*Trouble with the Curve (MA) $3
*True Story (MA) $6
*Total Recall 2012 [Ext & Theatrical] (MA) $5
*Under The Skin [A24] (vudu) $4
*Unhinged (vudu) $7
*When the Bough Breaks (MA) $4
*Wonder Woman (MA) $3
Collections/TV SHOWS:
Toy Story 1-2-3-4 HD (GP redeem) $12
The Bourne 5 Film Collection 4k (iTunes/ports) $18
The Bourne 5 Film Collection 4k (iTunes/ports) $11
The Hunger Games Collection 4k (iTunes) $10
The Hunger Games Collection HD (vudu) $8
The Divergent 3 Film 4k (iTunes) $8
The Divergent 3 Film HD (vudu) $6
Transformers 5 Film Collection 4k (iTunes) $15
*Battle Los Angeles and Lockout (MA) $7
Six Season 1 2016 (History Channel) (vudu) $5
One Tree Hill Season 8 (vudu) $8
One Tree Hill Season 9 (vudu) $8
The Laugh Out Loud 6 Film Collection SD (MA) $12
(Joe Dirt, The Benchwarmers, The House Bunny, The Animal,
The Animal, Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo, The Master of Disguise)

$2 and Under List:
*13 Hours: Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (vudu)
*Bumblebee (vudu)
*Deepwater Horizon (vudu)
*Dirty Grandpa (vudu or iTunes)
*Divergent [HD vudu or 4k iTunes]
*Downsizing (vudu)
*Dredd (vudu)
*Escape Plan [HD vudu or 4k iTunes]
*Fast and Furious 6 (MA)
*Furious 7 (MA)
*Ghost in the Shell (vudu)
*Gods of Egypt (vudu)
*Hercules 2014 (vudu)
*Interstellar (vudu)
*Jack Reacher (vudu)
*John Wick (vudu)
*Jurassic World (MA)
*Les Miserables (MA)
*Lone Survivor (MA)
*Lucy (MA)
*Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol [HD-vudu or 4k-iTunes]
*Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation [HD-vudu or 4k-iTunes]
*Noah (vudu or iTunes)
*Pitch Perfect 2 (MA)
*Serenity 2005 (MA)
*Snow White and the Huntsman (MA)
*Star Trek Beyond (vudu)
*Star Trek into Darkness (vudu) $1.5
*Step Up Revolution (vudu) (iTunes)
*Terminator: Genysis (vudu)
*Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (vudu)
*TMNT: Out of Shadows (vudu)
*The Expendables 3 Extended (vudu or iTunes)
*The Expendables 3 Theatrical (vudu)
*The Last Witch Hunter (vudu)
*The Resurrection of Gaving Stone (MA) or (iTunes/ports)
*The Twighlight Breaking Dawn Part 2 [HD vudu or 4k iTunes] $1.5
*World War Z (vudu or iTunes)
*Transformers: Age of Exticntion (vudu) $1.5
*Transformers: The Last Knights (vudu) $1.5
*Warcraft (MA)

SDx Section: $1.5 each unledd marked otherwise; assume SD.
1D: This is US* SD (MA) $1
21 Jump Street SD (MA)
A Good Man SD (vudu) $2
A Hologram for the King (vudu)
Absolute Power SD (MA) $2.5
*After Earth SD (MA)
Aloha SD (MA)
*Alpha SD (MA)
*American Hustle SD (MA)
Annie SD (MA)
*Barber Shop: The Next Cut SD (vudu)
Captain Phillips SD (MA)
Concussion SD (MA)
*Clolombiana SD (MA) $2
Draft Day SD (vudu)
*Fury SD (MA)
Ghost Protocol SD (vudu) $1
*Hell and High Water (vudu)
Hillary's America: Secret History of Democratic Party (vudu)
Hope Springs SD (MA)
*Hotel Transylvania 2 SD (MA)
Joe (vudu)
Jumanji: Wlecome to the Jungle SD (MA)
Last Vegas SD (MA)
Life of Pi SD (iTunes/ports)
Money Monsters SD (MA) $2
*Now You See ME 2 (vudu)
Olympus has Fallen* SD (MA)
*Olympus has Fallen* SD (MA)
Parker SD (MA)
Paul: Apostle of Christ SD (MA)
Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 SD (MA)
Playing for Keeps SD (MA)
Resident Evil: Retribution SD (MA)
*Ricki and Flash SD (MA)
Roman J. Israel, ESQ. SD (MA)
Sex Tape SD (MA)
Sicario: Day of Soldado SD (MA)
That Awkward Moment SD (MA)
That's My Boy SD (MA) $2
The Adventure of TinTin (vudu)
The Amazing Spider-Man SD (MA)
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 SD (MA)
*The Equalizer SD (MA)
The Interview SD (MA)
The Monuments Men SD (MA)
*The Night Before SD (MA)
The Shallows SD (MA)
The Vow (MA/SD)
Safe (vudu or iTunes)
*Sex Tape SD (MA)
*Spare Parts (vudu) $2
Star Trek (vudu)
Star Trek into Darkness (vudu)
*Still Alice (vudu)
Tim & Eric's Billion Dollar Movie (iTunes)
Total Recall 2012 SD (MA)
Warm Bodies (vudu) (iTunes)
White House Down SD (MA)
Zero Dark Thirty SD (MA)

Venmo, CashApp, Paypal FnF and Amazon GC accepted. For buyers outside the U.S., i suggest to use Amazon GC as not to get charge for paypal fees. Comment if interested and I will send chat as well as soon as i see it. Thanks for looking.
submitted by RileyJiriehER to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

IPOs to watch in 2021: The 5 most anticipated debuts

Despite the near-constant upheaval caused by the coronavirus pandemic, 2020 will go down as one of the best performing years for initial public offerings (IPOs). Over the last 12 months, a stunning 216 companies went public, the most since 2014, with firms raising an astonishing $78.1 billion in the process.
Consistent with previous years, healthcare and technology were the most popular sectors of the IPO market. Airbnb (ABNB), Doordash (DASH), Snowflake (SNOW), Lufax Holding (LU), and Royalty Pharma (RPRX) were the largest companies to go public this year.
And 2021 looks like it could be just as good for public debuts, according to Kathleen Smith, IPO ETF manager at Renaissance Capital.
“As long as the market holds up, we could very likely see a better year in 2021 than we saw in 2020,” Smith told Yahoo Finance. While the IPO market started out strong in 2020, the pipeline essentially closed down in March because of the pandemic before picking up steam again in the second half of the year. Momentum looks promising heading into the new year, assuming the Federal Reserve’s easy money policy stays intact for the foreseeable future.
Overall, this year’s slate of public offerings performed extraordinarily well during and after their IPOs. The Renaissance IPO ETF (IPO) is up 119% this year compared to the S&P’s overall 14.3% gain, logging its best year ever. The average return on a U.S. IPO this year was 75.4%, compared to last year’s 24.4% and 2018’s -1.9% loss.
With two COVID-19 vaccines now authorized in the U.S., one potential shift is a so-called return to normalcy that may not favor growth-oriented healthcare and tech companies, and instead may benefit cyclical names that aren’t as high-flying. “We can’t be so sure that the tech IPOs will be the ones at the top of the 2021 list. The minute there’s any kind of worry, markets correct and deals get priced more conservatively and they don’t get done,” Smith said.
2021’s big-name companies range from communication services and consumer discretionary to fintech and materials. Juggernauts like gaming platform Roblox, buy-now-pay-later retailer Affirm, and chemicals and equipment company Atotech are each poised to raise as much as $1 billion. And there are plenty of other firms waiting in the wings.

Roblox (RBLX)

If you’ve got children, you know Roblox. The online gaming platform, valued at $4 billion, allows users to create and publish their own video games using Roblox’s tool set. It’s part creation, part play, and expected to hit the public market next year. Founded in 2004 by David Baszucki and Erik Cassel, the company makes money through the sale of its Robux in-game currency.
Roblox’s S-1 indicates the company, along with the rest of the gaming industry, has experienced rapid growth in users and revenue, but its losses have ballooned in lockstep.
In the nine-month period ending in September, Roblox had 31.1 million daily active users, an 82% increase from the same period a year ago. Revenue hit $589 million, but its net losses totaled $203 million, four-and-a-half times the $46 million it lost in the same period of 2019.
Roblox, which was widely expected to debut in December, delayed its move into the public markets after Doordash and Airbnb made it difficult for the video game company to price its shares, according to The Wall Street Journal.
Smith says the firm should see a huge amount of interest from investors.
“I look at Roblox and, although they are losing money, they have positive cash flow and it’s a $1 billion-plus IPO, so I think investors are going to pay attention to that,” Smith said.

Affirm Holdings (AFRM)

Affirm Holdings, like Roblox, was expected to IPO in December 2020. However, it delayed the move until at least January 2021 after Doordash and Airbnb saw massive pops during their public offerings.
The company, which could see its valuation top out at $10 billion, is part of a growing number of buy-now-pay-later services that provides 0% interest or simple interest loans for consumers looking to purchase everything from shoes to exercise bikes.
Founded in 2012, the company is still losing money, posting net losses of $120.5 million and $112.6 million in 2019 and 2020, respectively, according to its S-1. Still, Affirm, which was founded by Paypal co-founder Max Levchin, is likely to see its IPO raise billions of dollars.
“The company is losing money and I think, although it’s growing really fast, these types of companies are like payday lenders,” Smith said. “They have some things investors have to pay attention to when it comes to rules and regulations.”

Atotech (ATC)

Initially expected to IPO in the first half of 2020, Carlyle Group-owned Atotech delayed its debut due to the coronavirus pandemic and fears that it would hurt its valuation. The company makes specialty chemicals and equipment found in everything from smartphones to communications infrastructure.
The German firm filed its F-1 with the Securities and Exchange Commission in January 2020, reporting consolidated net losses of $23.7 million in 2018 on $1.2 billion in revenue. In the nine months ending in September 2019, though, the firm saw net income of $12 million on $877 million in revenue, and its IPO deal could top out at $1 billion.
Of course, the company will also have to contend with variables in the broader tech industry including the whims of consumers and enterprises purchase cycles for electronics infrastructure.

Petco (WOOF)

It’s where the pets go, and in 2021, it’s where investors will go, too. The pet retail giant Petco is set to go public in 2021 with a deal worth as much as $800 million. Founded in 1965, the company was last publicly traded in 2006 and has since been owned by private equity investors.
In the company’s S-1, CEO Ron Coughlin goes even further, saying: “Petco has grown from a local veterinary supplies shop to a disruptive, fully integrated, digital-led, comprehensive pet care ecosystem that puts the health and wellness of pets first.”
That’s a fancy way of saying you can get virtually everything you need for your pets from the retailer. And judging by online pet retailer Chewy’s (CHWY) stellar performance since going public in June 2019 — up 107% — Petco thinks the demand for pet products will only continue to grow.
The company, which will be delightfully listed as WOOF, has seen its profitability improve as of late. Net losses in 2018 came in at $413 million, but fell to $103 million in 2019. Net sales in the same period rose from $4.39 billion in 2018 to $4.43 billion in 2019.

Southeastern Grocers (SEGR)

Southeastern Grocers, which operates 420 supermarkets under the Winn-Dixie, Harveys, and Fresco y Más names, is an interesting addition to this list because it only emerged from bankruptcy in May 2018. In its S-1, the company says its overall financial performance was hurt by its aggressive expansion from 2011 through 2015, which saw its store base expand by 256%.
Since then, its profitability has improved with the company reporting a net loss of $62 million in the 28 weeks that ended July 10, 2018, only to turn that into net income of $205 million in the 28 weeks that ended July 8, 2020.
Now a leaner organization, Southeastern Grocers is seeking to IPO in 2021 and could raise as much as $500 million.

The future pipeline

While many of these companies are looking to hit the public exchanges in the traditional way, 2020 was a banner year for alternative ways to go public — namely, the SPAC (special purpose acquisition company). Two hundred and forty one SPACs raised $73.4 billion. While household names are likely to pursue a traditional IPO or even a direct listing, those looking for a quicker liquidity option will consider these so-called blank check companies to take them public.
Investors should expect to see alternative means of going public remain prominent in 2021. “Private companies like Paysafe and Opendoor took advantage of the speed and price certainty that the SPAC structure offers during an uncertain market. Now, companies have more options than ever when they pursue a public listing with SPACs and direct listings both emerging as ‘mainstream’ options,” according to pre-IPO marketplace EquityZen.
Aside from the aforementioned five that are almost surely going to go public in 2021, there’s a slew of other hotly anticipated debuts of companies that have become household names. Payments platform Stripe, grocery delivery startup Instacart, stock trading app Robinhood Markets, residential real estate brokerage Compass, dating app Bumble, online education platform Coursera, and fashion players ThredUp and Poshmark are all readying their market debuts.

Source: https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/2021-ipo-market-roblox-affirm-atotech-petco-southeastern-grocers-201607439.html
submitted by cannainform2 to investing [link] [comments]

[FS][USA] MASSIVE 2021 $ALE: Chrome Hearts, retail ACG gore-tex / Nike jackets, TNF x supreme, Haider Ackermann, LuluLemon Mask, Burberry, FOG, Vetments, Supreme, Balenciaga hoodies, Palace, Jewlery from Gucci/Buccellati/Chrome Hearts/LV, dunks collection: Low Denim Sashiko + Heineken, UBs


.Alright finally got this all sorted. Was having many formatting issues, where the first character was not showing up on every line. Pls PM me if any other issues persist.


lost a pretty penny after being scammed off a piece of shit who used to dwell the rep subs. Right before the holiday season too, so fuck you Luke. Hope your shoes don't resell, kiddo 😠
Joke's aside, I'm fortunate that was not money I needed for rent or anything essential to life, was just a hit to my budgeted "recreational money" so it sucks, but I'll survive. Scammers can really ruin people's lives tho, so just be cautious everyone. Not sure really what else to advise, cos I'm a careful guy, and just got unlucky as fuck here...

PayPal gift cos I am vouched

Don't be a hoe.



- Designer lanyards (Balenciaga, Givenchy, LV, etc)
- Jordan 4 toro bravo red or Columbia blue size 12, 12.5, 13
- Jordan 5 black metallic, fire red, fresh prince size 12, 12.5, 13
- Balenciaga windbreaker (small logo, crown logo, more subtle stuff etc) L-XL
- Balenciaga padded flannel, hoodies, jackets, more subtle stuff etc. L-XL
- Stone Island puffer jacket fits L-XL (tagged XL, XXL, XXXL)
- Stussy x Dior clothing (shirt, hoodie, windbreaker, etc)
- ACNE Studios shirts, crewnecks, hoodies L-XL
- dior monogram (anything!) bags, wallets, duffle, etc.
- Kaws Figurines or Bearbricks (room accessories in general!)
TAGGED PHOTOS with TIMESTAMP in first album
CLOTHING FOR SALE: https://photos.app.goo.gl/QwUo9vfssFZ96rZCA
SHOES FOR SALE: https://photos.app.goo.gl/hzXLXbFhpt7Qz6kZ7
ACCESSORIES FOR SALE: https://photos.app.goo.gl/9PYpQr8bwZ7yFDNN8



.Undercover Moon Shirt
.size 2 (small or medium)
.This is a super cool shirt, but I accidentally purchased it, assuming it would fit an XL, but it is in fact much smaller. Big fan of undercover, love their brand
_35 + ship
.Guess x A$AP Striped Shirt
.size XL
.Great shirt, love the colors. Something different from the monochromatic colorways. Love this color combination fr.
_35 + ship
.Fear of God FG Shirt
.tts XL - oversized XL
.Great shirt, fitting is amazing on this again. Not even a big fan of the FOG essentials collection, but the fit of this shirt and material have me sold ngl. Gas a great feeling tag on the back as well, not flimsy, and much more solid than expected.
_40 + ship
Gallery Dept. Skeleton Shirt
Vetments "For Rent" Shirt
.Helmut Lang Shirt
.size XL
.Brand new, never worn. Korean batch, this is an amazing quality shirt, has a good feeling to it. Print is also not cheap as well.
_50 + ship


.Red and Creme Flannel
.size XL
.Great flannel, no big brand or anything, but can fit with everything easily. Super vibey.
_10 + ship
.Palace Fast Logo Longsleeve
.tts XL - XXL
.Great piece, has a good fitting to it, which is rare for palace reps.
_60 + ship
Nike x Off White Campus Longsleeve
.Biana Chandon Lover Hoodie
.tts XL
.This is a sick hoodie. Bought it when I was in 1:1 love, but times have changed. Worn literally once, basically brand new. Great contrast of red on the blue, colors are done well.
_65 + ship
.Stone Island Overshirt
.fits L-XL
.Nice piece, classic go-to stoney overshirt jacket. Easy to wear with a lot of fits, color is very in.
_65 + ship
.Stone Island Shadow Project Overshirt
.fits L-XL
.Nice piece, something different from stone island's usual line. More "technical" and the details on this piece support that. Easy to wear with a lot of fits.
_70 + ship
.Chrome Hearts Vanity Affair Longsleeve
.fits L-XL
.Great long sleeve. never wore it myself, great print, and has details done well on as well. Better than the black and white motif that chrome hearts typically employs.
_70 + ship
.Palace Tri-Chenille hoodie yellow LA Lakers colorway
.fits tts XL
.Great quality hoodie, bought off the sub, but haven't had a chance to wear this, don't want to really rep the lakers after we didn't get a game 7 in the finals smh
_70 + ship
.Palace Polartech Fleece FW17
.tts M
.Nice quality fleece. Bought it for a friend, but he's decided against it. Good thickness to it, def will keep you warm. Fleece is really soft too. Palace logo and details are also on point
_75 + ship
.RETAIL ACG Tactical Vest
.size M (fits L-XL)
.Brand new with tags. High quality piece. Tons of pockets. Can be worn over shirts/longsleeves/hoodies easily. Sold out from nike, grab it for a steal!
_80 + ship
.Haider Ackerman Green Patterned Button-Up Shirt
.Fits L to slim XL
.Brand new with tags. This material is amazing. Feels so premium from material to details of stitching and buttons. g Just not designed for us 1:1 dad bod bois sadly so need to let it go. Perfect statement piece, or can be worn under some layers. Very fashionable piece.
_80 + ship
.RETAIL ACG Windbreaker Jacket
.size M (fits L-XL)
.ACG is super dope, got some nice pockets on this jacket as well. Easy to wear with many outfits, has a nice colorway as well.
_80 + ship
.RETAIL Ralph Lauren Performance Fleece
.Tagged XL fits tts
.Brand new with tags. Great jacket, has nice zippers on the front two pockets, as well as on the chest pocket. The quality of fleece feels really nice.
_90 + ship
.Haider Ackermann Perth Hoodie
.tts XL
.More phenomenal hoodies. These are just amazing quality pieces, got tags and everything right on them. This is the best quality batch of the hoodie. Hard to find this caliber of quality haider replicas, but just wow. Only reason I'm selling is to get a size smaller. Might just keep these cos of how literally in love I am with them
_100 + ship
Supreme x The North Face (TNF) Blue Fleece Jacket
.Balenciaga CREW Hoodie
.fits tts XL (tagged M)
.Chinese batch, but blank and quality on this are amazing. Never worn myself. Just got too many hoodies, need to make some room. This piece is just amazing quality.
_100 + ship
.Balenciaga est in 1917 Hoodie
.fits tts XL
.Reondistrict batch, great hoodie. Only been worn a few times in very very careful parameters. Stiching is amazing on the logo and the blank feels great, very warm.
_120 + ship
.Balenciaga World Food Programme Hoodie
.fits XL
.Korean batch. This thing is phenomenal quality. STUPID THICC. Like wearing a jacket. print quality is also solid. Def a high-quality rep. Sad to part with it.
_120 + ship
.Burberry Lattice Fleece
RETAIL Nike Sportswear Thermore Synthetic-Fill Windrunner
size XL
Brand new. From Nike's most recent collection. Literally just came out. One of the Fung Bros was wearing this is Richie Le's recent video with them in NYC, its mad stylish. Tag is a little damaged but is brand new and has never been worn out, was simply the last one in the store sold to me in that condition. Synthetic down material is easy to pack into a small bag, but also keeps you warm. Essential for winter. Grab it for a steal.
200 + ship
RETAIL Nike ACG Gore-tex Jacket
Nike NikeLab ACG Down Jacket
fits TTS XL (tagged L)
Brand new with all the tags! Gore-tex and down jacket. Holy shit again. This piece is just amazing. ACG quality is unparalleled. This is god-tier garments, the ultimate winter jacket. Has lots of pockets, is very technical and will keep you warm, hood and style of jacket can completely keep wind out. Even has straps so when your indoors you can take the jacket off and ventilate. Pockets on the inside as well. Hood comes off, and has branding on the buttons of the hood even!
350 + ship

BOTTOM (Shorts/Pants)


.Faded Marvel Virgil Abloh Jeans
.fits 32-34
.Dope jeans, have some nice quality as well. The fit of the pants is awesome as well, not super skinny like 2017 style jeans were. Fits nice on the bottom especially. Painter style jeans, but done right IMO.
_40 + ship
.Cactus Jack Jordan Warm-Up Pants
.tts XL
.Great pair of pants. The embroidery on the front is nice af. Also has nike branding on the back. Can be ripped off also, like some OG warm up pants do.
_70 + ship
.Burberry Crest Sweatpants
.tts XL
.Korean batch. Brand new, never worn. High-quality blank, and the embroidery is also A1. These just look mad comfy.
_90 + ship
Chrome Hearts Denim Jeans



Palace Keychain
Brand new. Golden triferg logo. Has good weight to it.
20 + ship
.RETAIL Lululemon Double strap face mask
.Bought these for resale as stocking stuffers for my mom and sister, however, they opted for different colorways. Selling these two for what I paid for them.
_30 + ship each
.Gucci Ghost Ring
.Sick classic gucci ring. Real silver. Easy to wear with any outfit, and gets a TON of compliments, easy way to elevate an outfit.
_40 + ship
Cartier Love Bracelet
.Chrome Hearts Bead Bracelet
Brand new, never worn. Sick chrome hearts piece, with real silver beads with intricate chrome hearts details.
_80 + ship
.Buccellati Daisy Ring PENDING
.size L (somewhat adjustable, haven't messed with it as it's brand new)
.Brand new. Real silver. This thing retails for ~$3000 and i can see why from the intricate details and design. The rep does an amazing job at emulating that. Very bang for your buck. This shit is like art. Stupid nice.
_80 + ship
.Louis Vuitton Virgil Link Bracelet
.Never wore this. Feels high quality, has some weight to it. LV branding on the metal seems nice as well. Measurements in album.
_70 + ship
Louis Vuitton Virgil Cuban Necklace
.Chrome Hearts Cross Chain PENDING
.Brand new, never worn. The magnum opus of chrome hearts jewelry. This is a nice ass necklace. The cross has so many details, its truly beautiful. Would be down to trade for other real silver chrome hearts jewelry.
_120 + ship
.Bape Bearbrick (BE@RBRICK)
.Piece i am only looking to trade for now. Price listed to adhere to sub rules.
_120 + ship
.Burberry Fanny Pack
Brand new with tags. Darcy batch. This thing is mad quality. From the materials to the embroidery to the zippers this exudes high quality. Do not sleep! Cost like 150+ship. Has Burberry branding on the buckles, as well as on the zippers and inside the bag as well. Premium quality bag.
_120 + ship
.Vetments x Eastpak Backpack
.Brand new, never used. Details are really nice, the zippers for example have vetments on one side and eastpak on the other side. Quality of the material is also A1, this is not a cheap replica, the quality is all there! The dust bag is also branded and included.
_100 + ship
.FEAR OF GOD ReadyMade Backpack Military Green
.Super quality. This batch is crazy nice, has the nice belt buckles on the side, as well as on the shoulder straps. Zippers are smooth and feel quality as well. This bag has a TON of room as well. Very robut bag that is built strong with quality materials. Readymad is a brand that super well known for their quality (and exordinate price points as well), and I see this bag as being an amazing replica of this rare and unique piece.
_120 + ship
.Stone Island 3M Laptop Bag Cross Over Bag
.Brand new, never used. Details on this are immaculate. So many different zippers and pockets on this! The front itself has like 4 different places pockets. The layers of the pockets are awesome. The material thickness is SUPERB. and the zippers are seam-sealed, so it beads water and everything. Inside has an iPad protective cover (or small laptop) and the main laptop compartment as well. Has attachable buckles on the back of the bag as well, can be taken out of the zippers and worn as a backpack! This thing is a UNIT. Can take off the shoulder strap when worn like a backpack. The details from the buttons to the zippers having branding as well. Stitching is accurate af!
_150 + ship


.Creme Ultraboost 1.0s
.size 12
.Got for like 150$ when they were a hot commodity. Need a lil bit of cleaning and they will be good to go (toss in the washer dryer and they should be perfect. My favorite pair of UBs.
_60 + ship
.Nike Heineken Dunks
.size 11
.Another classic pair of dunks. These are so amazing. Need to get em in a size 12, was never able to wear these out cos they were just too small for me.
_80 + ship
.RETAIL Airmax 97 Gold Bullet
.size 12
Great pair of shoes. Tons of life left in them, just have so many pairs of shoes, need to downsize (ran out of shelf space oof). 3M is nice. Great summer shoe. Can't find good reps of these, in bigger sizes especially, so take em for a steal!
_100 + ship
Latest Repvouch is linked here for all of you https://www.reddit.com/RepVouch/comments/8t6ksq/traj250/?utm_source=reddit-android)
outdated page, can't be edited anymore https://www.reddit.com/RepVouch/comments/7lk7ns/traj250/?utm_source=reddit-android
submitted by traj250 to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]

(SELLING) HUGE LIST SALE: My Biggest List thus Far, mixed or New, Newer, Old and Older Titles ranging from 4K, HDx and SD formats. Lots of $2 and Under titles. Happy Thanksgiving and Thank you for looking at my list.

NOTE: Please READ...
1.) Will reply to potential sale and inquiries as soon as i can.
2.) All titles are sold as split whenever possible, so please redeem what you pay for.
3.) Redemption site & format is indicated besides every title, all MA eligible titles is labeled with (MA), (MA or iTunes) or (iTunes/ports), meaning they all port to all services if available. While, titles with labels (Vudu), (iTunes) or (vudu or iTunes) doesn't ports MA and stay on the service it was redeemed. Stay Safe Folks....
TODAY's SPECIAL: Spend $8 above and get 5% off total or spend $15 and get 10% off total; otherwise firm on prices listed. Thanks

*10 Cloverfield Lane 4k (iTunes) $3
*13 Hours: Secret Soldiers of Benghazi 4k (iTunes) $3
*A Quite Place 4k (vudu) $5
*Alien Covenant 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
Assasin's Creed 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*Battleship 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*Bay Watch 4k (vudu) $5 (iTunes) $3
*Black Hawk Down 4k (MA) $7
*Birds of Prey 4k (MA)
*BumbleBee 4k (vudu) $4 (iTunes) $2.5
*Criminal 4k (vudu) $5 (iTunes) $3
*Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 4k (iTunes/ports) $5
*Deadpool 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*Deepwater Horizon 4k (vudu) $4.5 (iTunes) $3
Detroit 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*Downsizing 4k (vudu) $4.5 (iTunes) $3
*Dracula Untold 4k (iTunes/ports) $5
*Dredd 4k (iTunes) $4
*Exodus: Gods and Kings 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
Expendables 3** 4k (vudu) $3
*Full Metal Jacket 4k (MA) $6
Furious 7 4k (iTunes/ports) $2.5
*Gone Girl 4k (iTunes/ports) $6
*Gremlins 4k (MA) $7
Hacksaw Ridge** 4k (vudu) $4
Hidden Figures** 4k (iTunes/ports) $3
Home Alone** 4k (iTunes/ports) $6
*Independence Day: Resurrurgence 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*Inferno 4k (MA) $6
*Interstellar 4k (iTunes) $3
*It's a Wonderful Life 4k (vudu) $6
Jack Reacher:Never Go Back 4k (vudu) $4 (iTunes) $3
*Joker 4k (MA) $6
Joy 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*Jurassic Park 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*Jurassic Park 3 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
Life of Pi 4k (iTunes/ports) $5
*Logan 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*Lone Survivor 4k (iTunes/ports) $3
*Lucy 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials 4k (iTunes/ports) $5
*Point Break 2015 4k (MA) $7
*Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 4k (vudu or iTunes) $5
*Snow White and the Huntsman 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows 4k (MA) $6
*Spectre 4k (iTunes) $5
*Terminator: Genysis 4k (iTunes) $3
*The Bourne Identity 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*The Bourne Supremacy 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*The Bourne Ultimatum 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*The Bourne Lagacy 4k (iTunes/ports) $3
*The Equalizer 2 4k (MA) $6
*The Great Wall 4k (iTunes/ports) $3.5
*The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 4k (iTunes) $3
The Huntsman Winter's War Ext 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*The Last Witch Hunter 4k (iTunes) $3
*The Legend of Tarzan 4k (MA) $7
*The Martian 4k (iTunes/ports) $6
*The Maze Runner 4k (iTunes/ports) $6
The Night at the Museum: SOTT** 4k (iTunes/ports) $3
*The Peanuts Movie 4k (itunes/ports) $6
*The Predator 2018 4k (MA) $5
*The Shining 4k (MA) $7
*Venom 4k (MA) $6
*Whiplash 4k (MA) $7
*Wonder Woman: Bloodlines 4k (MA) $6
*X-Men: Apocalypse 4k (iTunes/ports) $4
*X-Men: Future Past 4k (iTunes/ports) $4

*A Harold and Kumar Christmas (MA) $4
*Ad Astra (MA) $4
All Eyez on Me** (vudu or iTunes) $3
*Annie 2014 (MA) $4
*Batman: Assault of Arkham (MA) $5
*Black Christmas (MA) $4
Birdman** (MA) $5
*Boyhood (vudu) $3
Buttons: A Christmas Tale** (vudu) $4 (iTunes) $3
*Central Intelligence (MA) $4
*Colombiana u/R (MA) $5
*Courageous (MA) $4
*Curse of Chucky (iTunes/ports) $3
*Dark Waters (MA) $4.5
*Dear White People (vudu) $3
*Despicable Me 2 (MA) $3
*Dracula Untold (MA) $3
*Dredd (vudu) $3
*Ghostbusters 2 (MA) $4
*Godzilla (MA) $3
*Green Lantern & Emerald Knights (MA) $3
*Home Alone 2 (MA) $5
*Homefront (iTunes/ports) $3
Hugo (vudu or iTunes) $3
*If Beale Street Could Talk (MA) $5
*Jurassic Park (MA) $2.5
*Jurassic Park 3 (MA) $2.5
*Justice League: Throne of Atlantis (MA) $4
Life after Beth (vudu) $4
*Live Die Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow (MA) $3
*London Has Fallen (iTunes/ports) $3
*Love and Mercy (vudu) $4
*Magic Mike XXL (MA) $4
*Man of Steel (MA) $3
*M.I.B. International (MA) $4
*Mortdecai (vudu) $3
*My Big Fat Greek Weeding 2 (iTunes/ports) $3
*No Good Deed (MA) $4
*Now You See Me 2 (vudu) $3
*Olympus Has Fallen (MA) $4
*Pixels (MA) $5
*Pompeii (MA) $4
*Santa's Little Helper (MA) $4
*Serenity 2005 (MA) $2.5
*R.I.P.D. (iTunes/ports) $2.5
*Rango (vudu) $3
*Ride Along (iTunes/ports) $3
*Ride Along 2 (iTunes/ports) $3
Run the Race** (MA) $4
*Secret in Their Eyes (iTunes/ports) $3
*Scouts Guide inthe Zombie Apocalypse (vudu or iTunes) $4
Southpaw** (vudu) $5
*Spy (MA) $4
*Spontaneous (vudu) $6
*St. Vincent (vudu) $3
*T2: Trainspotting (MA) $4
*Ted (MA) $3
*Ted 2 (iTunes/ports) $3
*Taken 2 (MA) $4
*Taken 3 (MA) $3
*The Fighter (iTunes) $3
*The Equalizer (MA) $4
*The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 (vudu) $3
*The Incredible Burt Wonderstone (MA) $3
*The Judge (MA) $3
*The Meg (MA) $3
*The Shack (vudu or iTunes) $3
*The Shallows (MA) $4
*The Walk (MA) $5
*The Walk Amongst the Tombstone (iTunes/ports) $4
*The Wolf on Wall Street (vudu) (iTunes) $3
*Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Misouri (MA) $3
*Titanic (vudu)$5 (iTunes) $4
*Under The Skin [A24] (vudu) $4
*Unfriended (iTunes/ports) $3
Vacation 2015 (MA) $4
*When the Bough Breaks (MA) $4
The Hunger Games 4 Film Collection HD (vudu) $9
Divergent 3 Film Collection 4k (iTunes) $8
Divergent 3 Film Collection HD (vudu) $7
John Wick and John Wick: Chapter 2 (vudu) $4
The Laugh Out Loud 6 Film Collection SD (MA) $12
(Joe Dirt, The Benchwarmers, The House Bunny, The Animal,
The Animal, Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo, The Master of Disguise)

$2 and Under HD Codes:
*13 Hours: Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (vudu)
Alex Cross (iTunes) $1.5
Allied (vudu)
*Deepwater Horizon (vudu)
*Divergent (HD- vudu) or (4k-iTunes)
Dolphin Tale (MA)
*Escape Plan (HD- vudu) or (4k-iTunes)
Expendables 2 Expendables 2 (HD-vudu) or 4k (iTunes)
Fast Five Extended (MA) or (iTunes/ports) $1.5
Fast and Furious 6 Extended (MA)
Furious 7 (MA)
*Hercules 2014 (HD- vudu)
*Interstellar (vudu)
*Jack Reacher (vudu)
*John Wick (vudu)
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (vudu)
Killerman** (vudu)
*Les Miserables (iTunes/ports)
Lets Be Cops (MA)
*Lone Survivor (MA)
*Lucy (MA)
Meagan Leavey (MA)
*Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (HD- vudu) or (4k-iTunes)
*Pitch Perfect 2 (MA)
Sleepless** (iTunes) $1.5
*Snow White and the Huntsman (MA)
*Star Trek Beyond (HD- vudu)
*Star Trek into Darkness (HD- vudu) or (4k-iTunes)
*Step Up Revolution (vudu or iTunes)
*Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (vudu)
*TMNT: Out of Shadows (vudu)
*Terminator: Genysis (vudu)
*Transformers: Age of Exticntion (HD- vudu) $1.5 (4k-iTunes) $2
Transformers: The Last Knight** (vudu) $2
Trainwreck (iTunes/ports)
The Fate of the Furious Extended** (MA) $1.5
The Hobbit and Unexpected Journey (MA)
The Hunger Games** (vudu or 4k -iTunes) $1
The Huntsman Winter's War Ext (MA)
The Last Stand (iTunes) $1.5
*The Last Witch Hunter (vudu)
*The Resurrection of Gaving Stone (MA) or (iTunes/ports)
*The Twighlight Breaking Dawn Part 2 (HD- vudu) or (4k-iTunes)
*World War Z (vudu or iTunes)

$1.5 unless noted otherwise: (assume SD format) MA titles verified SD, other marked (vudu/iTunes) might redeem HD..
1D: This is US* SD (MA) $1
21 Jump Street SD (MA)
A Good Man SD (vudu) $2
*A Hologram for the King (vudu) $2
*After Earth SD (MA) $2
Aloha SD (MA)
*Alpha SD (MA)
American Hustle SD (MA)
Annie SD (MA)
Barber Shop: The Next Cut SD (vudu)
Captain Phillips SD (MA)
Cell (vudu) $2
Concussion SD (MA)
*Draft Day (vudu)
*Fury SD (MA)
Ghost Protocol SD (vudu) $1
Heaven is for Real SD (MA)
*Hell and High Water (vudu)
Hillary's America: Secret History of Democratic Party (vudu)
Hope Springs SD (MA) $2
Hours (vudu)
Joe (vudu) $2
Jumanji: Wlecome to the Jungle SD (MA)
Last Vegas SD (MA) $2
Life of Pi SD (iTunes/ports)
Money Monsters SD (MA) $2
*Now You See ME 2 (vudu)
*Olympus has Fallen* SD (MA)
Parker SD (MA) $2
Paul: Apostle of Christ SD (MA)
Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 SD (MA) $2
Playing for Keeps SD (MA) $2
Resident Evil: Retribution SD (MA)
*Ricki and Flash SD (MA) $2
Roman J. Israel, ESQ. SD (MA)
Sex Tape SD (MA) $2
Sicario: Day of Soldado SD (MA)
Sniper: Special Ops (vudu) $2
That Awkward Moment SD (MA)
That's My Boy SD (MA) $2
The Adventure of TinTin (vudu)
The Amazing Spider-Man SD (MA) $2
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 SD (MA) $2
*The Equalizer SD (MA)
The Interview SD (MA) $2
The Monuments Men SD (MA)
*The Night Before SD (MA)
The Shallows SD (MA) $2
The Vow (MA/SD)
Safe (vudu or iTunes)
*Sex Tape SD (MA)
*Spare Parts (vudu) $2
Star Trek (vudu)
Star Trek into Darkness (vudu)
*Still Alice (vudu) $2
Tim & Eric's Billion Dollar Movie (iTunes)
Total Recall 2012 SD (MA)
Warm Bodies (vudu) or (iTunes)
When the Game Stands Tall SD (MA)
White House Down SD (MA) $2
Zero Dark Thirty SD (MA) $2
Venmo, CashApp, Paypal FnF and Amazon GC accepted. Comment if interested and I will send chat as well as soon as i see it. Thanks for looking.
submitted by RileyJiriehER to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

Is this a scam attempt or am I wrong?

Okay so a little context first. I'm a small streamer so I kind of get the gist of how twitch works and I'm pretty sure the story I'm about to tell was a scam attempt but I'm not 100% sure. I saw someone I know (not super well) made a post saying he was going to start streaming again. I guess he used to stream then stopped. I went onto his stream to show my support and follow. We had a mutual friend and the streamer had the recently followers extension set up. I think he had a about 8 followers at the time I looked (this will become relevant I promise). So anyways I'm on the stream sending a chat here and there and just watching.
10 mins after I joined someone named deffcoins sends 2 messages on chat. "Bro can I challenge you something" "are you down to make it up to 100$ giveaway if you manage to reach 50 followers goal in the next 30 mins from now only" (i will now be paraphrasing as those were the only messages I copied and the messages were deleted by the time I am writing this). Anyways I guess the streamer was planning to do a draw, though I could not find anything saying that but I immediately thought that was a weird message and looked at the profile. Deffcoins had 4.6k followers but no sub button, no content at all and no last stream. He was also not streaming at the time I looked.
Just want to point out. The streamer seems to have overlays notifications on as when I followed I saw the notification, and saw it for a few other followers too. Anyways not 5 mins after that messages a few follow notifications came on and maybe 11 viewers were watching. Around 7 or 8 people were chatting saying he reached 51 followers. I am immediately suspicious. I'm sorry if deffcoins is legit but that's really weird to see. I don't think he is but that's why I'm making this post. Also side note, I'm using the twitch app this whole time. I looked at his followers number and it only said 37. My thought was maybe it wasn't updating cause I'm on the app.
Regardless at this point I'm like wtf. So I comment something along the lines like yo deffcoins says if you get 50 follower you gotta give money. Then you suddenly have 50 followers. That's sketchy. I'm sorry i keep saying immediately but I really mean immediately after I start getting attacked. The comments went from do the draw to, this is for real, why are you complaining, and the one that interested me, "deffcoins raided the streamer." I don't remember seeing any notification for a raid. Maybe it wasn't set up idk but I remembered he wasn't streaming about 15 mins before the so called raid. Again small streamer but I always thought you had to be streaming to do a raid. That you can't raid offline.
They shifted they're attention back to the streamer asking for the draw. At this point I'm checking every commenter profiles. All of them had profile pictures, 0 followers, descriptions and no content. There was the one or 2 people with slightly more then 1 follower. And one guy with a legit looking channel but I can't remember who he was. Finally god man deffcoins says to click on a link he sent for nightbot and to do the draw. So many red flags for me but I didn't have the proof so I click the link and take a look. The link seemed legit. And other links within the site worked and weren't fake. I didn't end up gojng further because I was afraid it was a fake site and I didn't want to authorize or sign in.
Soo at this point everyone in chat is saying to do the draw after the streamer finishes a match of the game. I never seen a scam coordinated with 7 or 8 people talking and responding. So I started to ask about big boy deffcoins. Mainly what does he stream. If he's this popular streamer. I want to get info on him. See if he had any social media. Just something to prove he was legit so I can stop worrying. They responded with cod. And warzone. And kind of ignore me as well. So my plan wasn't working.
The streamer finished the match, set up nightbot, most likely from the link, and did the draw. Nightbot sent to messages. The first being the draw was being done or something like that. The second being the winners name with someone along the lines of the winner is a current follower. I looked back at the followers and it was still like 37. I looked at the recently followed. And looked at everyone who followed after me. That winner was not there. Sure they could have just unfollowed after winning I guess.
So now the winner is asking for payment in PayPal. They sent their email. And the streamer seemed to be doing it. They were doing 50 Canadian. The winner asked for 50 euros suddenly. Which is way more expensive. I thought the streamer I knew was falling for it. And I didn't know what to do. The good news is the streamer messaged me on Instagram saying how fake this all seemed. Thank God. I told him to removed nightbot. Set it so links can't be sent on stream. And pretend your PayPal isn't working so you unfortunately can't do the transaction. He agreed and did so. However the winner just said give me your email and I make a request.
Everything ended with the streamer blocking all the accounts saying to do the draw and with that Captain deffcoins and crew were gone. Which is why all the messages were deleted and I wasn't able to get screenshots. Everything went back to normal. No one came back asking about anything that happened. The few real viewers all thought it was a scam too. The reason I wasn't 100% sure was the fact that they responded to me. But I really do think deffcoins isn't legit and this was a scam attempt.
Sorry if there's any spelling errors. I wrote this quickly as I need to head to bed for work. I also just wrote this incase deffcoins shows up on other peoples streams.
submitted by amsanch3z to Twitch [link] [comments]

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