Varus Pro Builds, Guides, Stats, Runes, Masteries ...

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This is a subreddit dedicated to discussing the champion Varus, from the MOBA League of Legends. All discussion should be based around Varus as a champion.

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Varus builds for top.

Hey I've been playing some varus top but dunno what to build into matchups. So far I've just been building eclipse into collector runans bloodthirster then situational item. What does varus build into tank squishy and mixed teams?
submitted by Sabiishii to VarusMains [link] [comments]

Varus Build Patch 11.3

Varus Build Patch 11.3 submitted by Questica to LeagueBuildsandGuides [link] [comments]


Just wanted to let y'all know a build I have been running which has been going pretty well for past 10 games or so. I go Press the attack, presence of mind, alacrity and coup de grace, Manaflow band and transcendence I always start corrupting potion for sustain, second back I go either tear or pickaxe depending how good I do. Second back I always finish Manamune and boots. Then I go letalithy items. The poke is insane. Also every proc of PTA(Press the attack) is a kill f you manage to stack your passive W and full Q to proc it! No one expects the damage. Just make sure to play aggressive, they won't expect your damage
submitted by Teuuz to VarusMains [link] [comments]

Varus without runaan's? / varus builds

What do you think is the best build for varus in 10.24? so far i've tried:
1) On hit ( krakenslayer - tbork - runaan - guinsoo / berserker // lethal tempo )
2) Crit ( galeforce - pd - runaan - ie / berserker // lethal tempo )
3) Lethality ( eclipse - collector - edge of night - youmuus / berserker // comet )
4) AP ( nashor - luden's - horizon focus - rabadon / sorcerer // hail of blades )
i got the best result with the ap build but it really lacks the runaan to be able to detonate 3 blight stacks using only 1 auto for a quick burst / cd reset. On the other hand the crit / on hit builds don't feel great and i think a lot of adc's can outdamage him on late while also having a better early game, it's like a worse version of ashe.
Will it be a good idea to try something like nashor - runaans - luden's / berserker // lethal tempo? maybe a guinsoo?
submitted by Bug_Next to summonerschool [link] [comments]

S11 AP Varus build.

I haven't played Varus prior to his mini re-work, so I'm not entirely sure what's changed from before. Although I've found AP works so well with this champion, that I'm surprised no one else is abusing this build. I'll explain the build first and elaborate on the playstyle below.

Basically, what scales with AP in his kit:
- The on-hit bonus magic damage from his W's passive;
- The detonation of blight stacks from his W's passive;
- His ult.

There are 2 options for runes:
1) SORCERY: Arcane Comet, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, Gathering Storm (for mid-late game) or Scorch (for early game) // PRECISION: Triumph, Bloodline // +18 adaptative force, + armor or mr depending on the lane.
2) DOMINATION: Dark Harvest, Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collection, Ravenous Hunter // SORCERY: Manaflow Band, Transcendence.

The two options function similarly, but I prefer Comet for its early value and area damage during TFs, whereas DH needs to stack. DH, however, when stacked has greater value late game. Both scale with AP as well, although Comet scales better.

Now items:
You want to star with Doran's Ring and 2 potions.
Then you build:
Luden's Tempest > Sorcerer's Shoes > Nashor's Tooth > Rylai's Crystal Scepter (or Morellonomicon) > Void Staff > Rabadon's Deathcap.
You can change the order as you see fitting. If they're building Magic Resistance, might as well build Void Staff earlier. If they have a lot of healing or regeneration, you replace Rylai for a Morellonomicon).

Playstyle: with this build the core of your damage will come from abilities. You'll have great AP (much more than you can achieve with AD currently) and enough AH that you can spam abilities (not to mention after his rework detonating blight stacks now lowers cooldowns). Your basic attacks only serve as means to build blight stacks, although mid-late game you'll be dealing decent damage due to the bonus magic damage from your W's passive and on-hit from items. You can actually play like an assassin and catch people by surprise with this combo: R, W, Q max charge, Shoot. What does it do: your ult stuns them and applies full blight stacks, W empowers your arrow, Q to charge the arrow and shoot. It deals tons of damage because of the blight denotation and will actually lower your cooldown, allowing you to shoot another arrow in no time. Try it out in the practice tool and see for yourself.

Every time I play this build, people think I'm trolling. Until they start seeing the potential. Go check it out for yourselves!
submitted by metradomo to VarusMains [link] [comments]

Season 11 - new unique Varus build to SMASH top/mid lane.

Season 11 - new unique Varus build to SMASH top/mid lane.
With full build you will have 280ad and 540ap and ONESHOT turrets/inhibs. Dont forget to buy sorcery potion for 500 gold when you have deathcap, it gives so much AP especially if you have baron buff, its like 100 AP for 500 gold for 3 minutes and it makes you blow up turrets.
submitted by edibles321123 to VarusMains [link] [comments]

Best S11 Varus build?

What is the best build path for Varus in s11? Right now, I am building kraken slayer, rageblade and into runaans. After that I am kind of lost. I choose between, botrk, IE, Lord Doms, and Mortal Reminder. I’ve gone 6-1-4 and 18-9-8 in the two games I’ve played. I’ve Not sure if I should build lethality or attack speed. The mini rework to his abilities (bow up and bow down) stacking his blights differently from S10 makes attack speed builds much more enticing so you can stack blights so quick. But at the same time, building lethality especially with the new mythics could be awesome. What does everyone think?
submitted by tom_dity23 to VarusMains [link] [comments]

Varus builds

I don't know what exactly is the best varus build in S11, but I have been trying out these variants and wanna try out more.
Standard Crit: Mythic, Runaans, Quickblades, IE, BT/Merc(depends on me having lifesteal). This build I feel gives Varus a true hypercarry identity, demolishing tanks and squishies alike based on how you fight. I feel Quickblades are a great item on him, your Q is literally on no CD and W active is up more often.
Lethality:Duskblade, Collector, Muramana(tear start or buy on early back) and anything that gives you AD and Damage, I tried Ravenous Hydra and IE and I was slapping hard.
submitted by ZeroSLY to VarusMains [link] [comments]

My Lethality Varus build

With the changes to Tear and Varus in 10.24 I thought I might try out a Lethality build and it went pretty well so I thought I might share it here. The build goes as follows:
Start tear -> Duskblade -> Dirk -> Muramana -> Ghostblade -> EoN/Serylda's grudge -> Serylda's grudge/EoN.
So for my reasoning behind the items, you go Tear to solve all your mana issues but also Tear and Muramana are alot better on Varus now. If you can hit champions with your abilities you can stack it much faster and this is really easy to do with his E. Biggest thing is you actually don't lose damage going Muramana anymore with tear being a starting item and the shock passive working with his abilities now. Also you don't ever have to get Manamune, with the new Tear buffs by the time I wanted to upgrade it to an item(after duskblade and dirk) I already had it fully stacked so I could just go straight to Muramana. And again you don't lose damage getting Muramana compared to Lethality stacking. I tested it in practice tool and Duskblade + Dirk and Muramana will actually outdamage a tearless build of Duskblade + Ghostblade + Longsword(included this to equalize the gold). So you get more damage over ghostblade AND you get an extra 15 ability haste.
Lethality Varus doesn't lane bully or poke as hard as he used to but with this build he has infinite mana to spam and very short cooldowns, you get close to 50% CDR at 4 items with Serylda's. Thoughts?
submitted by Benjayef to VarusMains [link] [comments]

Varus builds next season

What do guys think will be good items on Varus once preseason hits? Quickblade looks awesome on a crit build since it reduces non ult CD's per crit strike. On-hit kinda seems weird on the other hand since you can't crit strike with rageblade anymore.
submitted by jm006 to VarusMains [link] [comments]

Should Varus build grievous?

Just a quick question which I don't know the answer to. Since varus E already applies grievous and Varus R can keep enemies inside his E should varus build grievous regardless since the zone is so small?
submitted by nedtelius to VarusMains [link] [comments]

Why does Varus build full lethality instead of normal ADC items?

Just generally curious, I am still a fairly new player, so there's still some stuff that I don't fully understand.
submitted by NSTF22 to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

New hybrid/ap varus build I came up with that is fun to play and feels strong.

New hybrid/ap varus build I came up with that is fun to play and feels strong. submitted by ajuardio to VarusMains [link] [comments]

What happened to Varus's build?

I took a break last year around October and came back at around March this year
I didnt really play adc since I focused on myself but am noticing that Varus players are now going lethality with umbral glaive rush
I distinctly remember how last year I went lethality varus and people joked saying "lethality varus in 2019"
Back then rageblade/attack speed varus was the way to go
So what changed to make lethality viable and better than rageblade/attack speed?
I missed all the patches so I dont know if rageblade got nerfed or not but I still see vayne and yi build it so I don't know.
Is umbral, sanguine, and the other lethality items just too good right now or what?
submitted by pimpdaddy_69 to summonerschool [link] [comments]

Hey guys! Rate my new Varus build! (Uploaded with internet explorer)

Hey guys! Rate my new Varus build! (Uploaded with internet explorer) submitted by krakensdeath to LeagueOfMemes [link] [comments]

Attack speed varus build?

What the the items for the attack speed varus besides berserkers greaves???
submitted by Laqaucious to VarusMains [link] [comments]

Ap Varus build?

I’m looking to find a good build order for ap Varus. Anyone got any good paths that work well?
submitted by minimessi20 to VarusMains [link] [comments]

this varus build is called 'no mana 4 u'

this varus build is called 'no mana 4 u' submitted by AlexElmsley to TeamfightTactics [link] [comments]

Optimizing Varus build?

I just picked varus up after 2 seasons of not touching him. I mained him seasons 3-5. I've tried 3 distinct varus builds at this point, trying to find one that capitalizes on his entire kit, and here are the experiences I've had.
On-Hit: Felt really solid at 1-2 items, then felt like crap until 4 items. Felt like I was autoing super fast, but doing very little damage while waiting for my CDs to come back up.
Crit: Felt solid at 2-3+ items, but felt like I had too little attack speed. I also really missed the hybrid pen from rageblade.
AP: AP felt pretty good, but holy shit are those big-ticjet AP items a drag compared to buying zeal items. Feels nice when full build, but costs an unreasonable amount of gold to be bursty but still only be able to kill 2 targets in a fight(with your own damage)
So what's the solution here? I feel like maybe building hybrid might be good, if only slightly cheaper than AP? I feel like having IE and Rageblade in the same build is a no-brainer, you could cap cdr with both Nashor's and ER, gunblade should heal for the full 15% of both types of W dmg, then maybe sell boots for ruunan's? Build order is up in the air, but if you have the gold I'm not sure how to pump more damage out of him. Thoughts?
submitted by galdanith to VarusMains [link] [comments]

Tips about Varus? Builds and Strats?

Hi. I’m new to Varus. I recently played him like yesterday. I need some strats and builds about Varus.
submitted by ShawnCGB to VarusMains [link] [comments]

Different Varus builds

Okay so I know Varus is really versatile with his builds but what are people building against teams with multiple assassins?
I had a weird game recently against a Rengar top, Ekko jungle and LeBlanc Mid. Top and mid lost their lanes but it was a winnable game still. I was just thinking, could you go a weird janky build like; Edge of night Phantom dancer Etc..
If anyone has any builds they run in weird comps like this I'd like to hear them.
submitted by Solzkjarn to VarusMains [link] [comments]

Hey guys! Rate my new Varus build! (Uploaded with internet explorer)

Hey guys! Rate my new Varus build! (Uploaded with internet explorer) submitted by krakensdeath to LeagueOfMemes [link] [comments]

varus build video

Conqueror Varus Skin Spotlight - League of Legends - YouTube MELHOR BUILD PARA O VARUS! MATSU HIGHLIGHTS #21 - YouTube FINALLY an AP/Hybrid Varus build that works! - YouTube All Varus Skins Spotlight (League of Legends) - YouTube League of Legends - Varus Build - with Commentary Varus Guide S4 In-Depth: Mechanics,Combos,Builds etc - YouTube Varus Guide - League of Legends - YouTube Dark Star Varus (2018) Skin Spotlight - League of Legends ... 7.2 Varus Crit Build - YouTube AP Varus vs AD Varus - Meta Builds Face Off - YouTube

Varus build guides - provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in ... This is the standard build for Varus which focuses on increasing his attack speed and critical damage in order to maximize the DPS from his Blight passive and attack speed bonus. Blade of the Ruined King – Grants percentage of current HP bonus damage which synergizes well with the percentage of HP damage from Varus’s kit. Varus build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. U.GG analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. Patch 11.3 Varus Build and Runes. Varus build guide, best Varus runes and items to use in Patch 11.3. This Varus AD Carry build for LoL is based on win rates and meta popularity. Use this Varus build guide to statistically win more games in League. Varus. Champion Tier: Tier 5. Q. W. E. R. Counter Champion; Strong against; Swain Win Ratio 38.89%: Counter Sivir Win Ratio 43.47%: Counter Jhin Win Ratio 46.89%: Counter Twitch Win Ratio 61.73%: Counter Xayah Win Ratio 53.29%: Counter Aphelios ... Find the best Varus build guides for League of Legends Patch 11.3. The MOBAFire community works hard to keep their LoL builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Varus build for the S11 meta. Welcome to the METAsrc Varus build guide. We've used our extensive database of League of Legends stats along with proprietary algorithms to calculate the most optimal build for Varus. This algorithm is able to determine the best summoner spells, item build order, skill order, runes reforged, rune stats, counters, and team mates. Top builds, runes, skill orders for Varus based on the millions of matches we analyze daily. Also includes as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, rankings for this champion Varus Build - Items / Runes / Matchups - League of Legends View builds, guides, stats, skill orders, runes and masteries from Pros playing Varus İntikam Oku. Check Varus's stats: Games Played, Pick Rate, Win Rate, and more. Varus Build Guide for League of Legends. Champion guides for the League of Legends champion Varus.Find the best Varus build guides for S11 Patch 11.3. Our authors will teach you which items to build, runes to select, tips and tricks for how to how to play Varus, and of course, win the game!

varus build top

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Conqueror Varus Skin Spotlight - League of Legends - YouTube

This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue All Varus Skins Spotlight League of Legends 00:04 Classic Varus 4800 BE x 880 RP 01:57 Blight Crystal Varus 975 RP 03:25 Arclight Varus 975 RP 04:5... League of Legends Conqueror Varus Skin Spotlight.Purchase RP here (Amazon Affiliate - NA): off Animations and Ability Effects of... League of Legends / LoL AP Varus vs AD Varus Montage - Best Outplays and Unbelievable Burst Damage Moments with Meta Varus Builds Capture your best plays & s... Get 90% off of this Udemy course by clicking here: Thanks to Udemy for sponsoring this video - improve your life through learning!♦ Str... This video is going to cover how to play Varus\----Click to expand Table of Contents----/Introduction & Pretext0:00 / 00:35Runes00:35 / 00:42 - Rune Setup #1... In this video I am covering Varus in-depth to help players learn his mechanics,how to build him and play him ! Please consider adding my channel (tirsanem... League of Legends Dark Star Varus Skin Spotlight.Purchase RP here (Amazon Affiliate - NA): off Animations and Ability Effects of... If you want to see a specific champion or a specific player just type it in the comment section.More gameplay and new content coming soon so its worth subscr...

varus build

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